Mobile Suit Gundam 00/Special Edition
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 is the 11th Gundam TV series and originally aired in Japan across two seasons from 2007-2009. This alternate universe series is directed by Seiji Mizushima, with mechanical designs by Kanetake Ebikawa, Takayuki Yanase and Hitoshi Fukuchi, with character designs by Yun Kouga and Michinori Chiba and a score from Kenji Kawai. The series is set in 2307 of the current AD calendar, where the world is divided up by three power blocs: the Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations, the Advanced European Union and the Human Reform League. The delicate balance is upset by the appearance of the armed group Celestial Being that uses its advanced Gundams for armed interventions to end conflicts. Series star Setsuna F. Seiei serves as one of Celestial Being's Gundam Meisters. The series aired on Syfy in 2008, marking the first time that a Gundam series aired in North America while its broadcast was ongoing in Japan. Following the conclusion of the second season, Mizushima re-edited the series into three "Special Edition" compilation movies. The series was followed by the 2010 theatrical film Mobile Suit Gundam 00 the Movie -A wakening of the Trailblazer-. The TV series and compilation movies are available on home video in North America from Right Stuf.