



CB-0000G/C/T Reborns Gundam Origin


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Gundam mode

Cannon mode

Tank mode



CB-0000G/C/T Reborns Gundam Origin


General and Technical Data


Model number: CB-0000G/C/T

Code name: Reborns Gundam Origin

Unit type: transformable Innovade use mobile suit

Manufacturer: Innovators

Operator: Innovators

Rollout: unknown
First deployment: unknown

Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso

Dimensions: head height 23.3 meters (Gundam mode)

Weight: max gross 86.3 metric tons

Armor materials: E-Carbon

Powerplant: GN Drive Tau, power output rating unknown

Propulsion: GN verniers, total output unknown

Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Trans-Am System

Fixed armaments: 2 x GN Buster Rifle, mounted on backpack, usable as cannons in Tank mode; 2 x Large GN Beam Saber, stored in racks in backpack, hand-carried in use in Gundam mode; 2 x Egner Whip, mounted on hands, fire on a line, usable only in Cannon mode

Optional hand armaments: none

Remote weapons: 4 x Large GN Fin Fang, mounted on backpack, double as cannons in Cannon mode


Technical and Historical Notes


The CB-0000G/C/T Reborns Gundam Origin was a mobile suit developed for Innovator leader Ribbons Almark. Its design combined the functions of the CBY-001 1 Gundam, the GNY-077 GN Cannon and an extra long-range attack mode. The suit could adapt to close-, mid- and long-range combat by transforming between its Gundam, Cannon and Tank modes. The Tank mode was specialized for long-range bombardment, and its main weaponry was its four cannons. The Tank mode’s crawler tracks were actually hover units made from multiple GN particle emitters. Thanks to the GN particle hover units, the Tank mode had excellent mobility, was capable of high-speed movements and could move in the air. The Tank mode was also usable in space. The Tank mode could fire beams capable of hitting targets at a range that was impossible for beams fired from standard weaponry. The Tank mode’s head unit was the Cannon mode’s head upside down. The main focus of this head unit was on long-range sensing functions. In Cannon mode, the same long-range sensor unit was also used. The Tank mode was stated to have a special sensor function; it gave the pilot the impression that his field of view had widened.


The hover units could be used during Gundam mode to change the suit’s trajectory. The hover units consumed lots of GN particles, and these particles were transported to the hover units via special cords known as GN Cords. The hover units also contained large GN condensers to help meet their GN particle needs. The hover units mounted on the rear waist were fitted with shield wings to protect the fragile parts during transformation. The suit was completed in the factory within the Celestial Being spaceship, but Ribbons considered the suit incomplete, as they still could not replicate the Trans-Am System using the GN Drive Tau. After receiving stolen data on the GN-0000 00 Gundam’s Twin Drive System, Ribbons had the Reborn Gundams Origin modified to implement the system and drop the Tank mode. The modified version was used by Ribbons in battle as the CB-0000G/C Reborns Gundam.


Miscellaneous Information


Pilot: Ribbons Almark

Appearances: Mobile Suit Gundam 00I; Mobile Suit Gundam 00V

Original mechanical designer: Kanetake Ebikawa




Egner whip 1

Egner whip 2

Large GN Beam Saber









