



CBY-077 GN Cannon




General and Technical Data


Model number: CBY-077

Code name: GN Cannon

Unit type: prototype artillery mobile suit

Manufacturer: Innovators

Operator: Innovators

Rollout: AD 2302
First deployment: unknown

Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 21.8 meters

Weight: max gross 75.3 metric tons
Armor materials:

Powerplant: GN Drive, power output rating unknown

Propulsion: GN verniers, total output unknown

Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Trans-Am System (locked until AD 2308); 2 x large GN Condenser, mounted in arms

Fixed armaments: 4 x GN Cannon, mounted in chest; 4 x 2-tube GN Missile Launcher, mounted in shoulders and front skirt armor

Optional hand armaments: none


Technical and Historical Notes


Developed alongside the CBY-001 1 Gundam within the Celestial Being ship, the CBY-077 GN Cannon was a long-range support unit intended for use by Innovades. Compared to the Gundams used by humans that had a particular specialization, Innovade designs focused on a general purpose Gundam assisted by several support mobile suits. Using technology from the GN-005 Gundam Virtue, the GN Cannon was a prototype of the CB-0000G/C Reborns Gundam. Like the 1 Gundam, the GN Cannon featured large GN Condensers in its arms, and the rear skirt armor housed GN particle storage tanks. The condensers and tanks were used to manage the suit's heavy GN particle consumption. The GN Cannon's head sensor unit was similar to the one used by the GNX-607T/BW GN-XII Cannon. The suit's main weapon was its four chest-mounted GN Long Cannons, which could fire individually or together in a powerful combined attack. Although the cannons couldn't function as fangs, their firepower was superior to the Reborns Gundam's Large GN Fin Fangs. Other armaments included GN Missiles mounted in the shoulders and front skirt armor. The GN Cannon and 1 Gundam were part of an alternate plan where Celestial Being's interventions were carried out by Innovade Gundam Meisters instead of human ones. The Innovade Beside Pain, unhappy about that plan being scrapped, used two GN Cannons and the 1 Gundam in an attempt to sabotage the human Gundam Meisters. Beside used two of the original five GN Drives to power the GN Cannons.


Miscellaneous Information


Pilot: Beside Pain

Appearances: Mobile Suit Gundam 00P; Mobile Suit Gundam 00I

Original mechanical designer: Kanetake Ebikawa








