Gundam Evolve
Gundam Evolve is a series of shorts created starting in 2001 to coincide with various model kit releases. These shorts all feature a starring Gundam or mobile suit from one of the various anime series in miniature side stories. In most of the shorts, the goal is to show a Gundam rendered in high quality CGI. The shorts feature work from several past Gundam directors, including original creator Yoshiyuki Tomino, Takashi Imanishi and Yuuichi Abe. Originally, five shorts were produced from 2001-2003. Although the fifth short was billed as the last, Sunrise restarted the Evolve series in late 2004 with new shorts. These new entries in the series further explore the Universal Century, but they also expand into the alternate universes of G Gundam, Gundam Wing and Gundam SEED, plus SD Gundam. The shorts are available on home video in North America from Right Stuf.