Model number: ATM-09-STTC
Code name: Scopedog Turbo Custom (ISS Spec)
Unit type: special operations custom mid-class armored trooper
Manufacturer: Gilgamesh Confederation
Operator(s): Gilgamesh Confederation
First deployment: unknown
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso/head
Dimensions: overall height 3.804 meters
Weight: unknown
Armor materials: unknown material, armor thickness unknown
Powerplant: unknown
Muscle cylinder system: unknown
Polymer ringers (PR) liquid type: unknown
PR liquid power: unknown
PR liquid capacity: unknown
Reserve PR liquid tank capacity: unknown
PR liquid replacement time: unknown
Performance: gliding wheel speed unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; MCT-128-C control computer
Fixed armaments: 2 x arm punch, uses replaceable cartridges
Optional fixed armaments: 12-tube missile launcher, mounted over right shoulder (Chirico Cuvie/Nor Barkoff units)
Optional hand armaments: GAT-22 30mm heavy machine gun w/grenade launcher; GAT-22C compact 30mm heavy machine gun w/grenade launcher; SAT-03 60mm solid shooter bazooka

The ATM-09-STTC Scopedog Turbo Custom (ISS Spec) was a special operations AT used by the Gilgamesh military Intelligence Division’s ISS unit. It was a variant of Gilgamesh’s standard ATM-09-ST Scopedog. In addition to improved mobility, these Scopedogs were painted in low visibility black/dark gray colors. Their armaments varied based on the preferences of their respective pilots, but generally included a mix of missile launchers, heavy machine guns and bazookas. Five units were assigned to the Barkoff Squad, which was transferred under ISS jurisdiction at the behest of Fedok Wokkam, the head of the Intelligence Division. Wokkam, obsessed with Red Shoulder Battalion founder Yoran Pailsen’s research into the notion of a “supreme survivor,” put the Barkoff Squad through multiple tests. This culminated in assigning the squad to join a massive Gilgamesh invasion of the heavily fortified Balarant planet Monad. As the deadly battle dragged on, members of the Barkoff Squad died off one by one, leaving Chirico Cuvie as the supreme survivor.

Pilot(s): Chirico Cuvie, Nor Barkoff, Gary Godan (aka Sirasko), Glenborash Doroca Zaki, Dare Kochak
First appearance: Armored Trooper VOTOMS: Pailsen Files
Original mechanical designer: Kunio Okawara


12-tube missile launcher


GAT-22 30mm heavy machine gun w/grenade launcher


GAT-22C compact 30mm heavy machine gun w/grenade launcher




Rear view (Chirico Cuvie unit)


Turret lens


SAT-03 60mm solid shooter bazooka


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