Legendary Brave Da-Garn is the third Brave series and aired exclusively in Japan from 1992-1993. Katsuyoshi Yatabe returns as director, joined by co-director Shinji Takamatsu, writers Fuyunori Gobu and Yasushi Hirano, mechanical designer Kunio Okawara, character designer Masayuki Hiraoka and composer Yasunori Iwasaki. The story focuses on Seiji Takasugi, who is tasked with finding Brave Stones and recruiting warriors to defend Earth from an alien invasion. Da-Garn was followed in 1993 by Brave Express Might Gaine.
Da-Garn Info
Katsuyoshi Yatabe
Shinji Takamatsu
Fuyunori Gobu
Yasushi Hirano
Mechanical Designer:
Kunio Okawara
Character Designer:
Masayuki Hiraoka
Musical Composer:
Yasunori Iwasaki
46 episodes
Japan 02.08.1992 – 01.23.1993