Dragon’s Heaven is a one-shot OVA originally released exclusively in Japan in 1988. Directed by Makoto Kobayashi, it is based on his manga series of the same name. Kobayashi also created the anime’s mecha designs, alongside his brother, Osamu. The OVA is set in the far future, a millennium after a war between humans and movementer robots. One such sentient robot, Shaian, awakens after being inactive for 1,000 years and befriends a young human woman named Ikuru.
Movementer Robots
Vehicles and Support Units
Elmes’ Ship
Holmain Tzwicke
Knight Fighter
NOTE: Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Movementer Robots or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Dragon’s Heaven Info
Makoto Kobayashi
Ikuyo Koukami
Mechanical Designer(s):
Makoto Kobayashi
Osamu Kobayashi
Character Designer(s):
Toshihiro Hirano
Musical Composer(s):
Yasunori Iwasaki
Takashi Masuzaki
Takanobu Masuda
1 episode
Video Release:
Japan 02.25.1988