Model number:Â F90R
Code name:Â Gundam F90 R-Type
Unit type:Â reconnaissance mobile suit
Manufacturer:Â Strategic Naval Research Institute
Operator:Â Earth Federation Forces
Rollout:Â September UC 0111
Accommodation:Â pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso
Dimensions:Â head height 14.8 meters
Weight:Â unknown
Armor materials:Â Gundarium alloy ceramic composite
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 3,160 kW
Propulsion:Â rocket thrusters: total output unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; 11 x hardpoint, used for mounting external weapons, armor, and equipment, 1 located on each leg, 1 located on each hip armor plate, 1 located on each front skirt armor plate, 1 located on each forearm, 1 located on each shoulder, 1 located on backpack; weapon mount, used to carry beam rifle or mega beam bazooka, located on rear skirt armor plate; flexible mount latch, mounted on waist; AI system; stealth armor with camera units
Fixed armaments:Â 2 x vulcan gun, mounted in head; 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in backpack, hand-carried in use
Optional hand armaments:Â none
One of many F90 Gundam F90 optional armament variations developed by the Earth Federation Forces’ SNRI during the UC 0110s and 0120s, the F90R Gundam F90 R-Type (Reconnoiter) was designed for reconnaissance missions where Minovsky particles have been dispersed. The R-Type’s upper body was covered with stealth armor units equipped with optical cameras. The armor blocked some of the heat generated by the suit, making it more difficult to detect on sensors and radar. Additionally, each forearm was equipped with optical camera guns. The stealth armor could separate and transform into a separate reconnaissance unit. The R-Type’s legs mounted containers that could load either mines or dummy balloons. The R-Type’s armaments were limited to the Gundam F90’s default beam sabers and vulcan guns. In UC 0116, pilot Dir Rider of the Fastest Formula team used the R-Type to observe the movements of Zeon remnants at Side 4’s Frontier I colony. During this mission, Dir used the L-Type’s long rifle to snipe enemies while remaining concealed thanks to the stealth armor.
Pilot: Dir Rider (aka Liv Angelika)
First appearance: F90 A to Z Project
Original mechanical designer: Kunio Okawara