Mobile Suit Gundam: Far East Japan is a manga series released exclusively in Japan from 2013-2014. Written and illustrated by Akira Otani, it was serialized in Shonen Sunday Super magazine. Set during the One Year War in UC 0079, the story focuses on a Zeon team that crash lands in Japan.
Mobile Weapons
* MS-05B Zaku I
* MS-06F Zaku II
* MS-06JC Zaku II (J Type)
* MS-09 Dom
Vehicles and Support Units
* HT-01B Magella Attack
* Komusai
* Musai class
* Pazock class
Mobile Weapons
* RB-79 Ball
* RGM-79 GM
Vehicles and Support Units
* M353A4 Bloodhound
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Far East Japan Info
Akira Otani
Akira Otani
2 volumes
Manga Release:
Japan 05.13.2013 – 03.18.2014