Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid is a TV series that aired in Japan in 2005. It is a direct sequel to the first TV series and adapts Shoji Gatoh’s fourth and fifth novels. The series is directed by Yasuhiro Takemoto, written by Gatoh and featuring mechanical designs by Kanetake Ebikawa, character designs by Osamu Horiuchi and a soundtrack by Toshihiko Sahashi. As with the first series, The Second Raid focuses on teenage soldier Sousuke Sagara and his mission to protect Kaname Chidori. A one-shot OVA was released after the TV series, but it would not receive a direct TV sequel for 13 years. The Second Raid was initially released on home video in North America by ADV Films, but it has since been re-released by Crunchyroll.
The Second Raid Info
Yasuhiro Takemoto
Shoji Gatoh
Mechanical Designer(s):
Kanetake Ebikawa
Toshiaki Ihara
Character Designer:
Osamu Horiuchi
Musical Composer:
Toshihiko Sahashi
13 episodes, 1 OVA
Japan 07.13.2005 – 10.19.2005
Video Release (OVA):
Japan 05.26.2006
U.S. 05.01.2007