Gaia Gear is a novel series released exclusively in Japan from 1987-1991. Written by Yoshiyuki Tomino with mechanical designs by Mamoru Ito and character designs by Hiroyuki Kitazume, it was serialized in Newtype magazine. Set in an alternate UC 0203, the story focuses on Afranche Char, a memory clone of the legendary Char Aznable who is fighting the Earth Federation’s Man Hunting Attachment. The novels were later adapted into a 26-episode radio drama that ran from 1992-1993.
Mobile Weapons
α000-0001 Gaia Gear α
Dochadi Dh-3b
RX-110 Early Zorin Soul
RX-110 Refined Zorin Soul
Vehicles and Support Units
Air Force-1
Thirty-One Square
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Gaia Gear Info
Yoshiyuki Tomino
Character Designer:
Hiroyuki Kitazume
Mechanical Designer:
Mamoru Ito
5 volumes (novel); 26 episodes (radio)
Novel Release:
Japan 04.xx.1987 – 12.xx.1991
Radio Release:
Japan xx.xx.1992 – xx.xx.1993