Model number: GAT-04
Code name: 
Unit type: 
mass production all-purpose multi-mode mobile suit
Manufacturer: Earth Alliance
Operator: Earth Alliance
First deployment: October C.E. 73
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 18.67 meters
Weight: max gross weight 58.2 metric tons
Armor materials:
Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown
Propulsion: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; hardpoints for mounting Striker packs
Fixed armaments: 4 x M2M5 “Todesschrecken” 12.5mm automatic CIWS, mounted in head; 2 x ES04B beam saber, mounted on hips, hand-carried in use; 2 x Mk315 “Stiletto” rocket-propelled anti-armor penetrator, stored in hip armor, hand-carried in use
Optional fixed armaments: see GAT-04+AQM/E-A4E1 Jet Windam; GAT-04+AQM/E-M11 Doppelhorn Windam; GAT-04+AQM/E-X01 Aile Windam; GAT-04+Mk438/B Multi-Striker Windam
Optional hand armaments: M9409L beam rifle; A52 offensive shield type E, features Mk438/B dual multipurpose missile “Würger” SA10, mounted on left arm

Introducted in C.E. 73, the GAT-04 Windam was the Earth Alliance’s newest mass production mobile suit and successor to the earlier GAT-02L2 Dagger L. The improved Windam shared some armaments with the Dagger L, including the vulcan guns, beam sabers and anti-armor penetrator. The Windam’s other armament was a new style beam rifle. Like the Dagger L, the Windam could also be equipped with multiple Striker packs. The Windam made its debut in October C.E. 73 following the Break the World incident, in which a group of extremist Coordinators dropped the remains of the PLANT Junius Seven onto Earth and caused serious damage. Following its debut, the Windam slowly replaced the Dagger L in space and at the Alliance’s terrestrial bases. A custom colored version was used by ace pilot Neo Roanoke (aka Mu La Flaga) during his pursuit of the ZAFT battleship Minerva on Earth.

Pilot: Neo Roanoke (aka Mu La Flaga)
First appearance: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY
Original mechanical designer: Kunio Okawara


A52 offensive shield type E


M9409L beam rifle


Rear view


Mitsuo Fukuda

Chiaki Morosawa
Hiroyuki Yoshino
Hiroshi Ohnogi
Kazuho Hyodo
Shigeru Morita
Natsuko Takahashi
Yuuichi Nomura

Mechanical Designer(s):
Kunio Okawara
Kimitoshi Yamane

Character Designer:
Hisashi Hirai

Musical Composer:
Toshihiko Sahashi

50 episodes; 1 TV special; 4 compilation movies

Airdates (Original):
Japan 10.09.2004 – 12.25.2005

Airdates (HD Remaster):
Japan 04.xx.2013 – 03.xx.2014

Video Release (SE):
Japan 05.26.2006 – 02.23.2007
U.S. 06.17.2008 – 01.13.2009


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