Model number: GNY-001F/hs-A01D
Code name: Gundam Avalanche Astraea Type F’
Unit type: prototype general purpose mobile suit
Manufacturer: Innovators (based on a design by Celestial Being)
Operator: Fereshte
Rollout: AD 2308
First deployment: AD 2312
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: unknown
Weight: max gross unknown
Armor materials:
Powerplant: GN Drive Tau, power output rating unknown
Propulsion: GN verniers, total output unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; sensor mask; hs-A01D Avalanche Dash parts
Fixed armaments: 2 x GN Beam Saber, mounted behind shoulders on Avalanche Dash unit, hand-carried in use; 2 x GN Claw, mounted on legs of Avalanche Dash unit
Optional hand armaments: GN Beam Rifle; GN Shield, mounted on left forearm; GN Sword, converts to rifle mode, mounted on right forearm

The GNY-001F/hs-A01D Gundam Avalanche Astraea Type F’ was a configuration of Fon Spaak’s second GNY-001F Gundam Astraea Type F. Fon raided a secret Celestial Being storage facility and recovered the hs-A01D Avalanche Dash parts designed for the GN-001 Gundam Exia. Fon modified the parts to work with the Gundam Astraea, but since they were not designed for it, some parts were forcibly attached to the suit, or omitted completely, in the case of the additional front skirt armor. The armaments for the Type F’ included GN Beam Sabers, a GN Beam Rifle, GN Claws, a GN Shield and the Gundam Exia’s GN Sword.

Pilot: Fon Spaak (aka Roback Stadd, Jr.)
First appearance: Mobile Suit Gundam 00I
Original mechanical designer: Kanetake Ebikawa


Arm unit


GN Sword




Leg dash unit


Rear view

Gundam 00I Info

Tomohiro Chiba

Koichi Tokita

Mechanical Designer(s):
Kanetake Ebikawa
Takayuki Yanase
Hitoshi Fukuchi
Kenji Teraoka

3 volumes

Manga Release:
Japan 07.26.2009 – 08.26.2010


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