Golden Brave Goldran is the sixth Brave series and aired exclusively in Japan from 1995-1996. Directed by Shinji Takamatsu, its other creative staff includes head writer Hiroyuki Kawasaki, mechanical designer Kunio Okawara, character designer Hirotoshi Takaya and composer Hayato Matsuo. The story focuses on three Japanese boys who find a Power Stone and awaken the robot warrior Dran. This initiates a conflict with Prince Walter Walzac, who covets the Power Stones and the Brave warriors. Goldran was followed in 1996 by Brave Command Dagwon.
Goldran Info
Shinji Takamatsu
Hiroyuki Kawasaki
Aya Matsui
Kenichi Araki
Masaharu Amiya
Masashi Noro
Yasunori Yamada
Yoshiyuki Suga
Mechanical Designer:
Kunio Okawara
Character Designer:
Hirotoshi Takaya
Musical Composer:
Hayato Matsuo
48 episodes
Japan 02.04.1995 – 01.27.1996