Mobile Suit Gundam Climax U.C. is a Sony PlayStation 2 video game released exclusively in Japan in 2006. Developed by Bec and published by Bandai, the game focuses on three generations of the Tachibana family throughout the Universal Century timeline. It also received a manga adaptation titled Mobile Suit Gundam Climax U.C. -The Woven Web of a Bloodline-.Â
Mobile Weapons
* F90V Gundam F90 V-Type
* F91 Gundam F91
* MRX-009 Psycho Gundam
* NRX-044 Asshimar
* PMX-003 The-O
* RGM-79 GM
* RGM-79N GM Custom
* RGM-89 Jegan
* RGZ-91 Re-GZ
* RMS-106 Hi-Zack
* RMS-108 Marasai
* RMS-179 GM II
* RX-75 Guntank Mass Production Type
* RX-77-2 Guncannon
* RX-78-2 Gundam
* RX-78GP01Fb Gundam GP01Fb Zephyranthes Full Burnern
* RX-78GP02A Gundam GP02A Physalis
* RX-78GP03 Gundam GP03 Dendrobium
* RX-78NT-1 Gundam NT-1 Alex
* RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type
* RX-79[G]Ez-8 Gundam Ez8
* RX-93 v Gundam
* RX-178 Gundam Mk-II
Vehicles and Support Units
* Alexandria class
* Ark class
* Big Tray class
* Garuda class
* Jupitris class (Jupitris)
* Magellan class (modified)
* Pegasus class (Gray Phantom)
* Pegasus class (White Base)
* Salamis class
* Salamis class (modified)
Mobile Weapons
* AGX-04 Gerbera-Tetra
* AMS-119 Geara Doga
* AMX-002 Neue Ziel
* AMX-003 Gaza-C
* AMX-004 Qubeley
* AMX-004-2 Qubeley Mk-II
* AMX-004-3 Qubeley Mk-II
* AMX-004G Qubeley Mass Production Type
* AMX-011 Zaku III
* AMX-011S Zaku III Custom
* AMX-014 Doven Wolf
* Apsaras II
* MA-08 Big-Zam
* MS-06F Zaku II
* MS-06FZ Zaku II FZ
* MS-06JC Zaku II (J Type)
* MS-06S Zaku II (Commander Type)
* MS-07B-3 Gouf Custom
* MS-09 Dom
* MS-09R Rick Dom
* MS-14A Gelgoog
* MS-18E Kämpfer
* MSN-02 Zeong
* MSN-03 Jagd Doga
* MSN-04 Sazabi
* NZ-000 Queen Mansa
* NZ-333 α-Azieru
Vehicles and Support Units
* Dopp
* Endra class
* Gaw
* Musai class
* Musai class (late production type)
* Rewloola class
* Sadalahn class
Mobile Weapons
* MSN-00100 Hyaku-Shiki
* MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam
* MSZ-010 ZZ Gundam
* RMS-179 GM II
Vehicles and Support Units
* Irish class
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.