At Taku-chan, Takumi works on assembling a 1/144 Char’s Zaku II kit, and Takuji asks if he’s trying to study his opponent. Takuji shares a quote that if you know your enemy and yourself, you won’t be defeated in 100 battles. But he adds that knowing yourself is the hardest part. Taichi texts everyone in the group Line about having a takoyaki party, and Kentaro teases him about being rejected by Satsuki when he wanted to be invited to her place. Momoka asks to borrow paper from Kentaro and comments on how messy Taichi looks with ketchup all over his face. Takumi texts the group and tells them that Jin tried to recruit him. Hiro visits Takumi at work and yells at him for not just saying now. Takumi says that just like before, Hiro never listens to what he says. Hiro asks if he’s mad and says to spit it out, shoving Takumi against the wall. Takumi pushes Hiro away and accuses Hiro of not trusting him. He angrily grabs Hiro and says that nothing changes ever since they were kids. Hiro tells him to let it go and pushes him to the ground. Later, Hiro eats at Taku-chan and Kentaro says they’re both at fault. They ask Taichi how it went with Satsuki, but he doesn’t know because he was so nervous just handing it over. Kentaro wonders if she even needs a DSLR camera, and Taichi shows them a post of a camera for sale, and the pictures show that it’s from a table at their clubhouse. Hiro goes to the clubhouse and tells Satsuki that the camera represents Taichi’s feelings, but she doesn’t understand what he’s talking about. He tells her she’s the worst and then leaves. Taichi texts Hiro about Takumi, who has gone over to MONSTRE’s base. Jin explains that they have a sponsorship deal and that he wants Sota and Sendo to create a shield for Char’s Zaku. Sota asks Takumi what he’s doing here, and Takumi explains that he switched sides to become stronger, like Sota did. He says they can’t flourish on a team that doesn’t recognize their talent. Takumi said he understood when he heard the news of Sota joining MONSTRE, and Sota said he always enjoyed being with them. Sota asks Takumi if he’s bothered by Hiro or Imaizumi. Hiro bows on his knees to apologize to Satsuki, and she explains that Mana was the one who sold the camera. Mana explains that Taichi was so awkward in giving the camera that they weren’t sure who the gift was even for. Later, Satsuki asks Hiro if he likes their town, and he answers that he’s not sure. He asks the same of her, and she wipes away a tear but says nothing. He searches his pockets for tissues but can’t find any, and she asks why he likes Gunpla. He answers that he’s never really thought about it, and she comments that he must love it. Hiro tells Satsuki that she’s very mature and goes inside the clubhouse to grab tissues from Kentaro.
As MONSTRE discusses their sponsorship deal and the clause about no scandals, Sendo notes that a negative article online only says “suspected.” Hiro runs to the clubhouse after getting a text and is surprised to see Takumi there. Takumi salutes Hiro and comments that he’s returned safely, and Hiro responds that there’s no way he could’ve known that Takumi was spying on MONSTRE. Taichi explains that he politely declined Jin’s offer, and Taichi added that he also got them to fire Sendo. Hiro asks how that happened, and Takumi answers that he found an article and reposted it, which soured the team on Sendo. He also spoke to Sendo and reveals that they’ll be fighting him this weekend. Hiro walks with Takumi and asks how Sota was and if there’s any chance he’ll come back. Hiro notes that Takumi came back, so there’s hope that Sota also will. He knows that’s wishful thinking, and Takumi wants to work together to bring Sota down. Later, the team goes to Sendo’s workshop for the battle, and Takumi declares that if they win, they want Sendo’s help. The battle begins in a city level between Hiro’s RX-78 and Sendo’s Gundam Astray Red Frame. Taichi tells Hiro that he can win because even though Sendo is a great builder, he has no combat experience. Hiro and Sendo fight each other with beam sabers and vulcans and stop for the break between the two rounds. In round two, Hiro switches to beam rifle attacks but still can’t break through Sendo’s shield. Taichi wonders why Hiro can’t break through the shield even though he’s using full tracking controls that cause more damage. Kentaro ignores Taichi’s complaints while trying to figure things out, and Takumi wants to use the Tactical Hammer, which he’s rebuilt. Hiro switches to the Tactical Hammer, which now defaults to mace mode. Sendo switches to a Kikuichimonji sword and blocks Hiro’s attack. Takumi tells Hiro he can switch to beam gun mode, but Sendo swats away those attacks. Hiro then switches to railgun mode and Sendo charges a photoelectric ball. Hiro fires the railgun and cancels out the eclectic ball attack. However, Sendo is still standing and the match ends in a draw after time runs out. Sendo asks what the problem was, and Hiro says it was his lack of skill. Sendo says they’re just making excuses for each other since they didn’t win, but Takumi notes that they also didn’t lose. Sendo reminds him that his help was conditioned on their victory and tells them to leave. Sendo gets a call from Jin, who tells him that Takumi was the one who shared the article, so he wants him to come back to MONSTRE. Sendo hangs up and thanks Takumi for snitching on him, and Takumi apologizes. He doesn’t believe that Sendo cheated, but Sendo counters that he did. Takumi thinks Sendo must’ve had a good reason for leaving his team, but Sendo doesn’t want to discuss it. Takumi mentions that they had a similar experience when their team collapsed four years ago. Sendo calls Jin back and tells him he’s not interested in rejoining MONSTRE. Takumi asks why he did that, but Sendo says there’s no point in explaining his reasons. He then decides to give them a clue as to why he was stronger than them in the battle.
The long-simmering conflict between Hiro and Takumi reaches a boiling point over Takumi’s “defection” to MONSTRE. Hiro really comes across as a jerk this episode, so I wouldn’t blame Takumi if he had defected for real. The subplot about Taichi and the camera is also pretty weird and has an odd conclusion. The episode climaxes in a duel with Sendo and the proper debut of the Tactical Hammer. Although Hiro performs decently, it’s still not enough to beat Sendo. He’s a weird dude, particularly with his “edgy hobo” aesthetic that definitely seems out of place with the rest of this series.