Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin is an OVA series released in Japan from 2015-2018. It is an adaptation of the prequel arc of the 2001 manga of the same name by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko. The OVA adaptation was directed by Yasuhiko and Takashi Imanishi, with mechanical designs by Hajime Katoki, Mika Akitaka and Kimitoshi Yamane, character designs by Yasuhiko and Tsukasa Kotobuki and a score by Takayuki Hattori. Set from UC 0068-0079, the series tells the backstory of Mobile Suit Gundam enemy ace Char Aznable and his sister, Sayla Mass. The series was initially announced with the four-episode “Char and Sayla” arc but was later extended with the two episode “Loum” arc. As part of Gundam‘s 40th anniversary celebration in 2019, Sunrise created a 13-episode TV edit titled Advent of the Red Comet that also aired on Cartoon Network. The series has streamed internationally and is available on home video from Nozomi Entertainment.
Mobile Weapons
* MS-04 Bugu
* MS-05 Zaku I
* MS-05 Zaku I (Kycilia’s Forces)
* MS-05S Char’s Zaku I
* MS-06C Zaku II
* MS-06C-5 Zaku II
* MS-06C-6 Zaku II
* MS-06R-1A Zaku II R-1A
* MS-06S Zaku II (Commander Type)
* MW-01 Mobile Worker Model 01 Colony Coating Type
* MW-01 Mobile Worker Model 01 Early Type
* MW-01 Mobile Worker Model 01 Final Type
* MW-01 Mobile Worker Model 01 Late Type
* RTX-65 Guntank Early Type
* YMS-03 Waff
Vehicles and Support Units
* Chibe class
* Eight-Wheeled Armored Vehicle
* Gabril
* Gallop class
* Gaw
* GG Gas Infusion Vessel
* Gwazine class (Great Degwin)
* Hackman
* HT-01B Magella Attack
* Komusai
* M62 Four-Wheeled Armored Vehicle
* M65 Light Armored Vehicle
* Minesweeper
* Mobile Heavy Mortar
* Musai class (early production type)
* Musai class (Valkyrie)
* Papua class
* Security Enforcement Armored Bus
* Tarara
* Type 61 Tank Model A2
* Tyson
* Yapp
Mobile Weapons
* RCX-76 Guncannon First Type (Rollout Unit 1)
* RCX-76-02 Guncannon First Type
* RTX-65 Guntank Early Type
Vehicles and Support Units
* Assault Landing Ship
* Columbus class
* FF-1F Hog
* FF-3F Recon Type Saberfish “Duckbill”
* FF-3F Saberfish
* Lepanto class
* M62 Four-Wheeled Armored Vehicle
* Magellan class
* Magellan class (Ananke)
* Pegasus class (White Base)
* Pizarro class
* Salamis class
* Security Enforcement Armored Bus
* Space Launch
* Space Patrol Boat
* Type 61 Tank Model A2
Vehicles and Support Units
* Barracuda
* FF-1F Vollhog
Vehicles and Support Units
* Type 61 Tank Model A2
Mobile Weapons
* MW-01 Mobile Worker Heavy Construction Type
Vehicles and Support Units
* Arcana class
* Lunar Line Ship
* Ocean Cargo Ship
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Gundam: The Origin Info
Yoshikazu Yasuhiko
Takashi Imanishi
Katsuyuki Sumisawa
Yoshikazu Yasuhiko (manga)
Mechanical Designer(s):
Hajime Katoki
Mika Akitaka
Kimitoshi Yamane
Junichi Akutsu
Character Designer(s):
Tsukasa Kotobuki
Yoshikazu Yasuhiko
Musical Composer:
Takayuki Hattori
6 episodes (OVA); 13 episodes (TV re-edit)
Video Release (OVA):
Japan 02.28.2015 – 05.08.2018
U.S. 08.01.2017 – 07.02.2019
Airdates (TV version):
Japan 04.29.2019 – 08.12.2019
U.S. 07.06.2019 – 10.05.2019