Model Suit Gunpla Builders Beginning G is an OVA series that aired exclusively on Japanese TV in 2010. It was directed by Kou Matsuo with mechanical designs by veterans like Kunio Okawara and Kimitoshi Yamane and character designs by Kaichiro Terada. Unlike previous Gundam series, Gunpla Builders is set in the “real world” where Gundam is a popular anime franchise and model kit enthusiasts scan their kits for use in a video game called Gunpla Battle. The series stars Hal Irei, a Gunpla newcomer who explores the world of Gunpla Battle with his friends Kenta Sakazaki and Rina Noyama. The concept of Gunpla Battle inspired two unrelated spiritual successors: Gundam Build Fighters and Gundam Build Divers. The series was released on home video in North America in 2023 by Nozomi Entertainment.
Mobile Weapons
* AMX-107 Bawoo GPB
* GPB-04B Beargguy
* GPB-06F Super Custom Zaku F2000
* GPB-X78-30 Forever Gundam
* GPB-X80 Beginning Gundam
* GPB-X80-30F Beginning 30 Gundam
* MS-05L Zaku I Sniper GPB
* MS-06 Zaku II GPB
* MS-14 Gelgoog GPB
* MSM-07 Z’Gok GPB
* MSN-04 Sazabi GPB
* MSN-00100 Byaku Shiki
* PMX-003 Black The-O
* RX-77 Guncannon GPB
* RX-93-v2 Hi-v Gundam GPB Color
* Zaku-Relo GPB Custom
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Beginning G Info
Kou Matsuo
Yousuke Kuroda
Mechanical Designer(s):
Kunio Okawara
Atsushi Shigeta
Kanetake Ebikawa
Junichi Akutsu
Character Designer:
Kaichiro Terada
Musical Composer:
Japan 08.15.2010 – 12.19.2010
Video Release:
Japan 12.22.2010
U.S. 08.15.2023