Model number: LCH-05-AT
Code name:
AT Landing Craft
Unit type: AT dropship
Manufacturer: Gilgamesh Confederation
Operator(s): Gilgamesh Confederation; Secret Society
First deployment: unknown
Dimensions: unknown
Wingspan: unknown
Propulsion: unknown
Equipment and design features: unknown
Fixed armaments: 4 x large missile, mounted on hull
AT capacity: 10

The LCH-05-AT AT Landing Craft was a dropship used to transport armored troopers in space or down to a planet’s surface. The dropship could carry up to 10 ATs and was armed with four large missiles, which were stored in bays on the port and starboard sides of the hull.

Pilot(s): Chirico Cuvie, Conin, Oriya
First appearance:
Armored Trooper VOTOMS


Large missile (Version 1)


Rear view (Version 1)


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