Macross The Ride is a novel series released exclusively in Japan in 2011. Written by Ukyo Kodachi, it was serialized in Dengeki Hobby Magazine and serves as a prequel to the 2008 TV series Macross Frontier. Set in 2058, the series chronicles the Vanquish air race that sees people racing in customized variable fighters. The story focuses on Chelsea Scarlett, a female Zentradi singer who abandons music and becomes an SMS pilot and Vanquish competitor.
SV-52y Oryol
VF-0 Custom “Zeak”
VF-1X++ (Hakuna SP)
VF-4SL Lightning III
VF-9E Cutlass
VF-11B Custom El Camino Real
VF-11B Custom Shenandoah
VF-11B Lacrimosa
VF-11B Nothung II
VF-11B Thunder Bell III
VF-11B Thunder Bolt
VF-11B/X Sister Valkyrie
VF-11C Thunderbolt Interceptor
VF-11D Thunder Focus
VF-17D “Song Cuu Long”
VF-19A Excalibur (Brauhitsch sp)
YF-27-5 Shaher Femail
ADR-04-Mk.XV Super Defender
VF-19A2 Excalibur
VF-19C/MG21 Excalibur
VF-19EF Caliburn
Vehicles and Support Units
* Island Cluster class (Macross Frontier)
NOTE: Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mecha or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Ukyo Kodachi
Mechanical Designer(s):
Shoji Kawamori
Hidetaka Tenjin
Katsumi Enami
Character Designer:
Tommy Otsuka
2 volumes
Novel Release:
Japan 06.25.2011 – 12.24.2011