Class: Magellan
Ships of the line: Ananke, Nereid, Phoebe, Titan, SBB-17 Luzar, Hyperion, Hood, Kilimanjaro, Naiad
Unit type: battleship
Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
First deployment: October UC 0070
Dimensions: overall height 96.0 meters; overall length 327.0 meters; overall width 102.0 meters
Equipment and design features: re-entry capsule; sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: 7 x 2-barrel mega particle cannon, mounted on forward, midship and aft sections; 14 x 2-barrel machine gun, mounted on port and starboard sides; 4 x missile launcher, mounted on forward section

The main battleship of the Earth Federation Space Force, the Magellan class were heavily armed and armored, typically reserved for fleet commanders and other high-ranking officers. Like the Salamis class, the Magellan was a product of the EFF’s 70s Armament Reinforcement Plan. Both classes predated the introduction of mobile suits and thus lacked the ability to carry them. However, like the rest of the fleet they were pressed into use as MS transports late in the One Year War, carrying RGM-79 GM and RB-79 Ball units into combat lashed to the outer hull. The Magellan was the most heavily armed of the One Year War era EFSF fleet, mounting seven twin mega particle cannon turrets, with numerous machine gun turrets and missile launchers. Even with this heavy armament, it was still outmatched by the Principality of Zeon’s Gwazine battleships and Zanzibar cruisers, with their integral mobile suit complements. Magellan class ships carried a large re-entry capable shuttle on the ventral hull, similar to the Salamis class light cruisers. By UC 0083, an upgraded version was in use.

Captain(s): Johann Revil (Ananke, Phoebe), Tianem (Titan), Wakkein
Original mechanical designer(s): Kunio Okawara (Mobile Suit Gundam version), Hajime Katoki (MS IGLOO version)


Rear view (Version 1)


Rear view (Version 2, CG, equipped with booster)

Mobile Suit Gundam Info

Yoshiyuki Tomino
Ryoji Fujiwara (movie 1)

Yoshiyuki Tomino
Masaru Yamamoto
Kenichi Matsuzaki
Yoshihisa Araki
Hiroyuki Hoshiyama

Mechanical Designer(s):
Kunio Okawara
Yoshiyuki Tomino

Character Designer:
Yoshikazu Yasuhiko

Musical Composer(s):
Yuji Matsuyama
Takeo Watanabe

43 episodes; 3 compilation movies

Japan 04.07.1979 – 01.26.1980
U.S. 07.23.2001 – 09.12.2001

Theatrical Release:
Japan 03.14.1981 – 03.13.1982


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