Model number: MAN-08
Code name: Elmeth
Unit type: prototype Newtype use mobile armor
Manufacturer: Flanagan Institute
Operator: Principality of Zeon
Rollout: 16 December UC 0079
First deployment: 29 December UC 0079
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in main body
Dimensions: overall height 47.7 meters; overall length 85.4 meters
Weight: empty 163.7 metric tons; max gross 291.8 metric tons
Armor materials: unknown
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 14,200 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 645,200 kg total
Equipment and design features: sensors, range 245,000 meters; psycommu system
Fixed armaments: 2 x mega particle cannon, fire linked, mounted in main body
Remote weapons: 12 x bit, stored inside main body

The pinnacle of the Principality of Zeon’s Newtype-use mobile armor development, the MAN-08 Elmeth was built for use by Kycilia Zabi’s Newtype Corps, intended to be a trump card against the Earth Federation Forces’ advance during the One Year War. Incorporating a psycommu (psychic communicator) system, the Elmeth’s Newtype pilot could remotely control its remote bit weapons with their brainwaves, thus making the Elmeth a perfect weapon to strike at targets from incredible distances. The Elmeth’s bits were its primary weapon, and they consisted of a simple body housing an onboard reactor for power, maneuvering thrusters and a beam gun. Being independently powered, the bits could be employed as long as the pilot was able to control them, and they were extremely fast, making them almost impossible to detect visually – much less to destroy. The Elmeth mobile armor itself, described by EFF troops as a “tricorn hat,” was also fast and agile and mounted a pair of rotating mega particle cannons with a 90-degree vertical range of fire. But with its psycommu system, the Elmeth’s most dangerous weapon was its Newtype pilot, able to engage in combat with mere thoughts.

Zeon’s Flanagan Institute, a top secret Newtype research group, picked star pupil Lalah Sune to be the Elmeth’s test pilot. Her Newtype abilities were the most powerful reported to date by the Institute, and under the care of Zeon ace pilot Char Aznable, Lalah took the Elmeth into combat for a field test against EFF units stationed at the recently captured asteroid base Confeito (formerly Solomon). Lalah’s Elmeth remained hidden among asteroids and debris far away from Confeito as she controlled her bit weapons with her thoughts. Despite the headaches induced by Lalah from her control and the psycommu’s feedback, this first test proved a complete success, taking the EFF completely by surprise. However, the Elmeth was soon destroyed in a battle with another Newtype – RX-78-2 Gundam pilot Amuro Ray. After the war, the Axis Zeon further developed the bit weapon into the funnel, which was prominently featured in the personal mobile suit of Axis leader Haman Karn, the AMX-004 Qubeley. All three Neo Zeon movements made use of funnel-equipped mobile suits piloted by Newtypes, with the last one being the NZ-666 Kshatriya.

Pilot: Lalah Sune
First appearance: Mobile Suit Gundam
Original mechanical designer(s): Kunio Okawara (Mobile Suit Gundam version), Yasuo Ohtagaki (Gundam Thunderbolt version)


Rear view (Version 1)


Rear view (Version 1)

Mobile Suit Gundam Info

Yoshiyuki Tomino
Ryoji Fujiwara (movie 1)

Yoshiyuki Tomino
Masaru Yamamoto
Kenichi Matsuzaki
Yoshihisa Araki
Hiroyuki Hoshiyama

Mechanical Designer(s):
Kunio Okawara
Yoshiyuki Tomino

Character Designer:
Yoshikazu Yasuhiko

Musical Composer(s):
Yuji Matsuyama
Takeo Watanabe

43 episodes; 3 compilation movies

Japan 04.07.1979 – 01.26.1980
U.S. 07.23.2001 – 09.12.2001

Theatrical Release:
Japan 03.14.1981 – 03.13.1982


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