Model number: MBF-P01
Code name: 
Gundam Astray Gold Frame
Unit type:
 prototype general purpose mobile suit
Manufacturer: Morgenroete, Inc
Operator: Orb Union
Rollout: 10 January C.E. 70
First deployment: 25 January C.E. 71
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 17.53 meters
Weight: max gross weight 49.8 metric tons
Armor materials: unknown
Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown
Propulsion: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: 2 x “Igelstellung” 75mm multi-barrel CIWS, mounted on head; 2 x beam saber, power rating unknown, mounted on shoulders, hand-carried in use
Optional hand armaments: Type 71 beam rifle; shield; hyper bazooka

When the Earth Alliance began a project to build its own mobile suits, the initial work was done in conjunction with the Morgenroete research facility on the Orb space colony Heliopolis. While Orb assisted in the research, they had an ulterior motive: steal the data from the Alliance to build their own mobile suits. From the stolen data, Orb constructed five prototype Gundam Astray units. While Orb was able to copy the Alliance’s beam saber and beam rifle technology, they were unable to duplicate the Phase Shift armor and compensated by making the Astrays light and maneuverable. As with the Alliance suits, the Astrays were equipped with hand plugs to exchange energy and data with their carried weapons. Though the Alliance and Orb used different hand plugs, the Gold Frame was equipped with both types, making it possible to use Alliance weapons.

The development of the Astray project was interrupted when ZAFT attacked Heliopolis on January 25, C.E. 71. Orb desired to keep the Astray project secret and destroyed the Astray factory, but a Coordinator named Rondo Ghina Sahaku was determined to save the units and personally took control of the Gold Frame. Rondo escaped from Heliopolis using a large bazooka designed for the GAT-X102 Duel Gundam, but the Gold Frame’s right arm was damaged because it was not properly calibrated for use with the bazooka. Rondo jettisoned the damaged arm, which was later found by MBF-P02 Gundam Astray Red Frame pilot Lowe Guele. After escaping Heliopolis, Rondo used the Gold Frame in battle against Lowe on several occasions. During atmospheric reentry, the Gold Frame’s head was damaged. It was then taken to Orb’s Morgenroete facility, where it was upgraded to the MBF-P01-Re<AMATU> Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu.

Pilot: Rondo Ghina Sahaku
First appearance: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED ASTRAY
Original mechanical designer: Junichi Akutsu


Rear view


Type 71 beam rifle



Tomohiro Chiba

Koichi Tokita

Mechanical Designer(s):
Junichi Akutsu
Yoshihiko Machida
Koichi Tokita

3 volumes

Manga Release:
Japan 09.26.2002 – 10.01.2003
U.S. 05.11.2004 – 11.09.2004


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