Mobile Suit Moon Gundam is an ongoing manga series released exclusively in Japan since 2017. Written by Harutoshi Fukui and illustrated by Takayuki Kosai, it is serialized in Gundam Ace magazine. The series is based on Fukui’s original story proposal that evolved into the 2006 novel series Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn. Set in UC 0092, it is a prequel to the 1988 film Mobile Suit Gundam: Char’s Counterattack. The story focuses on Yutta Kassim, a resident of the technology-rejecting Moon Moon colony featured in the 1986 TV series Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ. Yutta gets drawn into a conflict between the Earth Federation Forces and Neo Zeon, which results in him becoming a mobile suit pilot.
Mobile Weapons
* MSK-008R Rick Dijeh
MSK-008R Modified Rick Dijeh
* MSZ-010A1 Theta Plus
RGC-90XC Jeda Cannon <Jedabull>
RGM-86RF GM III Powered
RGM-86RF•FA GM III Powered Full Armor <Bulldog>
* RGM-88X Jeda
Vehicles and Support Units
* Clop class
FXA-07GB-3 Core Fighter (Theta Plus Model)
Mobile Weapons
AMA-103 Medussa
AMA-X9 Gigadzam
* AMS-123X Varguil
AMS-123X-X Moon Gundam
AMX-015-4S Dag Doll
AMX-020 Gaza-G
* AMX-104 R-Jarja
AMX-104L RS-Jarja
AMX-107P Psycho Bawoo
AMX-116 Zaku IV
AMX-116S Zaku IV S Type (Illia Pazom Use) with [princess unit]
AMX-117LG Gaz-L Grau
AMX-117LG Gaz Grau BB
AMX-117RG Gaz-R Grau
EMS-13 Aggjin
MSN-004X2 Sazabi Prototype (Terrain Mode)
* RMS-117 Galbaldy-β
Vehicles and Support Units
Atalante 3
Gwasha class
Mobile Weapons
MSR-00102S Hyaku Nishiki
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Harutoshi Fukui
Takayuki Kosai
Mechanical Designer(s):
Ippei Gyoubu
Takayuki Kosai
Manga Release:
Japan 09.26.2017 –