Model number: MS-09R
Code name: Rick Dom
Unit type: mass production space combat mobile suit
Manufacturer: Zimmad Company
Operator: Principality of Zeon
First deployment: UC 0079
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: unknown
Weight: unknown
Armor materials: unknown
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: total output unknown
Performance: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; space backpack; 2 x sub-arm, mounted on backpack; propellant tank
Fixed armaments: none
Optional fixed armaments: 2 x machine gun; heat hawk

Throughout the course of the One Year War, Zeon fielded variants of the MS-09R Rick Dom. One such variant was the version used by the Living Dead Battalion at the Thunderbolt Sector in the ruins of Side 4. These units featured sealed joints to protect them from the high amount of space debris in the area. The units mounted a high mobility backpack with with added thrusters, a propellant tank and two sub-arms for holding weapons. These Rick Dom units were armed with a machine gun and heat hawk and also utilized the Big Gun sniping platforms. During one battle, Moore Brotherhood pilot Io Fleming was stranded in space after his RGM-79 GM was destroyed. He forced the cockpit of a Rick Dom to open and shot pilot Hoover Aisla in the head. Io then commandeered the suit and returned with it to his mothership, the Beehive.

Pilot(s): Fisher Ness, Hoover Aisla, Io Fleming
First appearance: Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt (anime)
Note: Based on the MS-09R Rick Dom from the Gundam Thunderbolt manga


Rear view


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