Model number: MSJ-04T
Code name: Fantong Commander Type
Unit type: mass production commander type mobile suit
Manufacturer:Â HRL (Human Reform League)
Operator:Â HRL
Rollout:Â unknown
First deployment:Â unknown
Accommodation:Â pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: unknown
Weight: unknown
Armor materials:Â E-Carbon
Powerplant:Â fossil fuel engine, power output rating unknown
Propulsion:Â unknown
Equipment and design features:Â sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments:Â 155mm x 50 caliber smoothbore cannon, mounted underneath head
Optional hand armaments:Â carbon spear; shield
The MSJ-04T Fantong Commander Type was a variation of the Human Reform League’s standard MSJ-04 Fantong. Its appearance was mostly similar to the standard version, except for the addition of a blade antenna over its head. The MSJ-04T featured improved search and communication abilities over the standard version, but its armaments were the same.
First appearance:Â Mobile Suit Gundam 00P
Original mechanical designer: Kenji Teraoka
Gundam 00P Info
Tomohiro Chiba
Mechanical Designer(s):
Hitoshi Fukuchi
Kenji Teraoka
Takayuki Yanase
Kanetake Ebikawa
Character Designer:
Taraku Uon
2 volumes
Novel Release:
Japan 12.xx.2007 – 12.xx.2009