
Nupetiet-Vergnitzs class (TV version)


Class: Nupetiet-Vergnitzs
Unit type:
 medium-scale fleet command battleship
Manufacturer: Workl-Quatafilla 755,819th Zentradi Fully-Automated Armory Planet
Operator(s): Zentradi; U.N. Spacy
First deployment: unknown
Dimensions: overall height 620.0 meters; overall length 4.0 km; overall width 600.0 meters
Weight: standard operating displacement 170,000,000.0 metric tons
Powerplant: Workl-Quatafilla heat pile system cluster, power output rating unknown
Propulsion: main thrusters: Workl-Quatafilla macro nozzle cluster; Workl-Quatafilla vernier nozzle cluster; Workl-Quatafilla fold system cluster
Performance: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Workl-Quatafilla gravity control system
Fixed armaments: many x guided beam cannon, mounted across hull; many x small maneuverable warship weapon, mounted across hull; many x anti-ship/aircraft missile launcher, mounted across hull
Mecha/aircraft: many x Glaug; many x Gnerl; many x Reentry Pod

The Nupetiet-Vergnitzs was a medium-scale command battleship used by the Zentradi forces. Produced by the Workl-Quatafilla armory planet, the Nupetiet-Vergnitzs was a massive ship with a length of over four kilometers. The ship’s armaments included guided beam cannons, small maneuverable warship weapons and anti-ship/aircraft missile launchers. Its onboard forces included many Gnerl fighter pods and Glaug tactical pods. In February 2009, a Nupetiet-Vergnitzs commanded by Britai Kridanik appeared in orbit tracking a signal from a Supervision Army gun destroyer that humans rebuilt into the Macross. A Supervision Army booby trap hidden in the Macross fired the first shots of Space War I and led to many battles between the Macross and Britai’s forces. However, after many of his soldiers were exposed to human culture, Britai and the Adoclas Fleet joined forces with the Macross against the Bodol Main Fleet during the war’s final battle in February 2010. Britai’s ship was refit following the damage it received during the war and officially became part of the U.N. Spacy fleet in 2012. In September 2012, the refit ship served as part of the Megaroad-01 emigrant fleet that initiated the Humanity Seeding Project.

Captain(s): Britai Kridanik, Dagao
First appearance: Super Dimension Fortress Macross
Original mechanical designer: Kazutaka Miyatake


Rear view

Macross Info

Noboru Ishiguro

Hiroshi Ohnogi
Shoji Kawamori
Noboru Ishiguro
Sukehiro Tomita
Kenichi Matsuzaki

Mechanical Designer(s):
Shoji Kawamori
Kazutaka Miyatake

Character Designer:
Haruhiko Mikimoto

Musical Composer:
Kentaroh Haneda

36 episodes

Japan 10.03.1982 – 06.26.1983


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