Rayearth is an OVA series released in Japan in 1997 that is an alternate retelling of the original story. It features a different production staff than the TV series, including directors Keitaro Motonaga and Toshiki Hirano, writer Manabu Nakamura, mechanical designer Naoyuki Konno, character designer Megumi Kadonosono and composer Toshihiko Sahashi. The OVA was released on home video in North America by Manga Entertainment, but it is now out of print.
Rayearth Info
Keitaro Motonaga
Toshiki Hirano
Manabu Nakamura
Mechanical Designer:
Naoyuki Konno
Character Designer(s):
Megumi Kadonosono
CLAMP (manga)
Musical Composer:
Toshihiko Sahashi
3 episodes
Video Release:
Japan 07.25.1997 – 12.10.1997
U.S. 04.29.2003