Model number: RGM-96X
Code name: 
Unit type:
 prototype general purpose escort mobile suit
Manufacturer: Anaheim Electronics
Operator: Londo Bell
First deployment: UC 0096
Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 19.3 meters
Weight: empty 24.8 metric tons; max gross 57.2 metric tons
Armor materials: titanium alloy ceramic composite; Gundarium alloy
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 2,710 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 89,030 kg total
Performance: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range 14,200 meters
Fixed armaments: beam saber, stored in recharge rack on left forearm, hand-carried in use; 6 x hand grenade, mounted on hip armor
Optional fixed armaments: vulcan pod system, mounted on head
Optional hand armaments: beam rifle, powered by rechargeable energy cap; shield, features 2 x 2-tube missile launcher, mounts on either forearm

The RGM-96X Jesta was a high performance mobile suit developed by Anaheim Electronics as part of the Earth Federation Forces’ UC Project. Based on the RGM-89 Jegan series, the Jesta was designed to serve as an escort unit for the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam. The Unicorn Gundam’s operating time in Destroy mode was limited to several minutes, so the Jesta’s role was to confront regular enemies while the Unicorn Gundam engaged Newtype machines. The Jesta featured a new backpack design with improved thrust to keep up with the Unicorn Gundam. The Jesta’s main armament was a beam rifle with a longer barrel and acceleration devices that could switch between regular firing mode and beam machine gun mode. Other weapons included a vulcan pod system, beam saber, hand grenades and a shield with integrated missile launcher. In UC 0096, 12 Jesta units were assigned to the Londo Bell flagship Ra Cailum for evaluation tests. Only three units saw active use and were assigned to pilots known as the Black Tri-Stars, who were originally intended to serve as test pilots of the Unicorn Gundam.

Pilot(s): Watts Stepney, Daryl McGuinness, Nigel Garrett
First appearance: Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn (anime)
Original mechanical designer: Hajime Katoki
Note: Based on the RGM-96X Jesta from the Gundam Unicorn novels


Beam rifle


Beam saber


Cockpit hatch




Rear view



Gundam Unicorn Info

Kazuhiro Furuhashi

Yasuyuki Muto
Harutoshi Fukui (novel)

Mechanical Designer(s):
Hajime Katoki
Junya Ishigaki
Yoshinori Sayama
Nobuhiko Genma

Character Designer:
Yoshikazu Yasuhiko

Musical Composer:
Hiroyuki Sawano

7 episodes (OVA); 22 episodes (TV re-edit)

Video Release (OVA):
Japan 03.12.2010 – 06.06.2014
U.S. 03.12.2010 – 06.06.2014

Airdates (TV version):
Japan 04.03.2016 – 09.11.2016
U.S. 01.07.2017 – 06.10.2017


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