Model number: RMS-014
Code name: Octape
Unit type:
 general purpose mass production mobile suit
Manufacturer: Space Revolutionary Army
Operator(s): Space Revolutionary Army; Vulture
First deployment: pre-A.W. 0001
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 17.2 meters
Weight: empty 9.3 metric tons; max gross weight unknown
Armor materials: unknown
Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Propulsion: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: 2 x 50mm Gatling cannon, mounted in torso; beam saber, hand-carried in use
Optional hand armaments: giant bazooka, 100mm machine gun w/beam saber, beam rifle

The RMS-014 Octape was the last mobile suit that the Space Revolutionary Army mass produced during the 7th Space War. This high performance mobile suit came with a bevy of armaments that outclassed previous S.R.A. models, as well as the United Nations Earth’s mass produced DT-6800A Daughtress. The Octape mounted two 50mm Gatling cannons in its torso, and other standard armaments included a beam saber. The Octape had several options for handheld weaponry, including a giant bazooka, a 100mm machine gun and a beam rifle. As was the case with other models, many Octape units survived the war and fell into the hands of civilians and Vultures. Also, the S.R.A. continued to use the Octape as late as A.W. 0015 because it was so dependable. The S.R.A. used many Octapes in the defense of a spaceport captured from the New United Nations Earth. In battle, the Octapes even held up well against the New U.N.E.’s new mass produced NR-001 Balient mobile suits.

First appearance: After War Gundam X
Original mechanical designer: Junya Ishigaki


100mm machine gun w/beam saber


Beam rifle


Rear view

Gundam X Info

Shinji Takamatsu

Hiroyuki Kawasaki

Mechanical Designer(s):
Kunio Okawara
Junya Ishigaki

Character Designer:
Nobuyoshi Nishimura

Musical Composer:
Yasuo Higuchi

39 episodes

Japan 04.05.1996 – 12.28.1996


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