Model number: RMS-142
Code name: 
Xeku Zwei
Unit type: prototype attack use mobile suit
Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: New Desides
First deployment: unknown
Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso
Dimensions: overall height 27.44 meters; head height 25.2 meters
Weight: empty 88.2 metric tons; max gross 151.7 metric tons
Armor materials: Gundarium composite
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 7,330 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 270,400 kg total (6 x 31,900 kg, 10 x 7,900 kg); vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 14
Equipment and design features: sensor radome, range 20,300 meters; 4 x sub arm
Fixed armaments: 2 x beam saber, power rated at 1.0 MW, stored in recharge racks, hand-carried in use; 2 x 60mm vulcan gun, mounted in head; 3 x missile pod, 20 rounds, mounted in front skirt armor; 6 x large rocket launcher, mounted on backpack
Optional hand armaments: 120mm machine gun, drum fed, 70 rounds per drum

The prototype mobile suit RMS-142 Xeku Zwei was the second machine of the Xeku series developed at the asteroid base Pezun. Designed for both heavy armament and high mobility, the Xeku Zwei was equipped with huge thruster blocks and powerful boosters, making it highly maneuverable despite its large size and tremendous weight. The multipurpose latch and mount system on the shoulders of the Xeku Zwei gave it twice the carrying capacity of the Xeku Eins series, and additional hardpoints and storage racks were distributed across its body. The mobile suit was also equipped with a total of four rudimentary sub-arms to hold and support all its extra weapons. Its standard equipment included the long-range beam smartgun and disk radome of the RMS-141 Xeku Eins (Type 2 Armament), as well as three missile pods in its front skirt armor. A 120mm machine gun and six large rocket launchers were stored on its back. Although the Xeku Zwei had great firepower and high performance, its development was halted by the destruction of Pezun during the Pezun Rebellion. The rebel New Desides brought three prototype units with them to Ayers City, and these surviving machines were deployed in the final battle against the mobile suits of Taskforce Alpha on April 4, UC 0088.

Pilot(s): Josh Offshore, Tosh Cray, Franz, Kirschner
First appearance: Gundam Sentinel
Original mechanical designer: Hajime Katoki




Rear view

Gundam Sentinel Info


Masaya Takahashi

Mechanical Designer(s):
Hajime Katoki
Mika Akitaka

1 volume

Novel Release:
Japan 09.xx.1987 – 08.xx.1988


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