Code GeassMecha

RPI-13 Sutherland


Model number: RPI-13
Code name: Sutherland
Unit type: mass production fifth generation knightmare frame
Manufacturer: Holy Britannia Empire
Operator(s): Holy Britannia Empire/Euro Britannia; Japanese Resistance/Order of the Black Knights
First deployment: unknown
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: overall height 4.39 meters
Weight: combat weight 7.48 metric tons
Armor materials: unknown
Powerplant: energy filler, replaceable electrical cartridge, uses Yggdrasil drive superconductor transfer system, power output rating unknown
Equipment and design features: factsphere open sensor camera, range unknown, mounted in head; landspinner high-mobility propulsion system, mounted in legs; cockpit ejection system; Float system backpack, allows atmospheric flight; air glide wing system, enables atmospheric flight (Jeremiah Gottwald unit)
Fixed armaments: 2 x slash harken, mounted on chest; 2 x stun gun, mounted on forearms; 2 x stun tonfa, mounted on forearms; 2 x “Chaos Mine” fragmentation grenade, stored in hip compartment
Optional hand armaments: assault rifle w/grenade launcher, mounts on backpack; large cannon; lance

Designed and developed after the conquest of Japan/Area 11, the RPI-13 Sutherland was in many ways a refinement of its predecessor, the RPI-11 Glasgow. Although it was an advanced and effective design, much of the Glasgow’s success came from Britannia’s overwhelming numerical and economical superiority to Japan. Further, the Glasgow was designed primarily to combat tanks and other “traditional” ground combat machines; this proved to be a liability, as its own success meant that nations such as the Chinese Federation and EEU began seriously pursuing Knightmare design. Thus, the Sutherland was created with the possibility of battles with other Knightmares in mind. To that end, it featured a redesigned, simplified cockpit system with improved life support, as well as the landspinners being refined for higher speed and efficiency. Many of these improvements were passed back to the Glasgow in the form of upgrades. The Sutherland eventually replaced the aging Glasgow as Britannia’s main battle unit, as well as being used as the basis for the RPI-209 Gloucester, the personal machine of Princess Cornelia Li Britannia and her team of pilots. In a.t.b. 2017, Knightmare developer Lloyd Asplund created the experimental Sutherland Air that incorporated several technologies developed for the Z-01 Lancelot, including MSV particle shields and the Float system. Despite being overshadowed by the Gloucester, the Sutherland was still used one year after the Black Rebellion, and several were fitted with Float systems in order to fight the revived Order of the Black Knights. Following his defection to Zero’s side, disgraced Britannian noble Jeremiah Gottwald used a Sutherland fitted with an air glide wing unit and Black Knights weapons in service of his young lord.

Pilot(s): Jeremiah Gottwald, Viletta Nu, Lelouch Lamperouge, Kaname Ohgi, Shinichiro Tamaki, Kewell Soresi, Kalius, Sugiyama, Rolo Lamperouge (aka Rolo Haliburton), Monica Kruszewski
First appearance: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
Note: “Order of the Black Knights colors” custom lineart by AmuroNT1


Assault rifle w/grenade launcher


Large cannon


Rear view (Version 1)


Rear view (Version 2)

Code Geass Info

Goro Taniguchi

Ichiro Okouchi
Hiroyuki Yoshino
Yuuichi Nomura

Mechanical Designer(s):
Akira Yasuda
Kenji Teraoka
Junichi Akutsu
Eiji Nakata
Takumi Sakura

Character Designer(s):
Takahiro Kimura

Musical Composer(s):
Hitomi Kuroishi
Kotaro Nakagawa

50 episodes; 3 compilation movies

Japan 10.05.2006 – 07.28.2007 (S1);
04.06.2008 – 09.28.2008 (S2)
U.S. 04.27.2008 – 10.26.2008 (S1);
11.02.2008 – 06.07.2009 (S2)

Theatrical Release:
Japan 10.21.2017 – 05.26.2018


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