Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY ASTRAY is a manga and photonovel series published exclusively in Japan from 2004-2006. Both versions were written by Tomohiro Chiba, with the manga illustrated by Koichi Tokita. DESTINY ASTRAY is a side story to the 2004 TV series Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY. Initially set in C.E. 71, the series focuses on the adventures of photojournalist Jess Rabble. The story of DESTINY ASTRAY was split in two, with the manga published in Gundam Ace magazine and the photonovel serialized in Dengeki Hobby magazine. Both versions of DESTINY ASTRAY were followed by a sequel manga, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED C.E. 73 Δ ASTRAY.
Mobile Weapons
* GAT-01A1 Dagger
* GAT-333 Raider Full Spec
* GAT-X133 Sword Calamity
MBF-JG73MJ Mars Jacket
MBF-P02 Gundam Astray Red Frame Mars Jacket
* MWF-JG71 Raysta
* YMF-X000A/H Dreadnought H
* ZGMF-1000/AAL Noctiluca ZAKU Warrior
ZGMF-1001 Madigan’s ZAKU Phantom
ZGMF-1017AS GINN Assault Type
* ZGMF-1017M2 GINN High Maneuver Type II
ZGMF-X12 Gundam Astray Out Frame
ZGMF-X12 Gundam Astray Out Frame G-Flight
ZGMF-X12+AQM/E-X01 Aile Gundam Astray Out Frame
ZGMF-X12+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Gundam Astray Out Frame
ZGMF-X12/A1 Gunner Gundam Astray Out Frame
ZGMF-X12/K Slash Gundam Astray Out Frame
ZGMF-X12/M Blaze Gundam Astray Out Frame
ZGMF-X12/α Force Gundam Astray Out Frame
ZGMF-X12/β Sword Gundam Astray Out Frame
ZGMF-X12/γ Blast Gundam Astray Out Frame
ZGMF-X12A+AQM/E-X01 Aile Testament Gundam
ZGMF-X12D Gundam Astray Out Frame D
ZGMF-X12D Gundam Astray Out Frame G-Flight
ZGMF-X12D+AQM/E-M11 Doppelhorn Gundam Astray Out Frame D
ZGMF-X12D+AQM/E-X01 Aile Gundam Astray Out Frame D
ZGMF-X12D+AQM/E-X02 Sword Gundam Astray Out Frame D
ZGMF-X12D+AQM/E-X05 Divine Gundam Astray Out Frame D
ZGMF-X12D/β Sword Gundam Astray Out Frame D
ZGMF-X12D/θ Destiny Gundam Astray Out Frame D
Vehicles and Support Units
* Agamemnon class
* FX-550 Sky Grasper
FX-550 Sky Grasper G-Flight
* Nazca class
Mobile Weapons
* MBF-P02 Gundam Astray Red Frame
* MWF-JG71 Raysta
* MWF-JG71 Raysta Yoon Sefan Custom
* YMF-X000A/H Dreadnought H
* ZGMF-1017 Works GINN
ZGMF-X12 Gundam Astray Out Frame
Vehicles and Support Units
* Cornelius class (Re.H.O.M.E.)
Mobile Weapons
* MBF-P03secondG Gundam Astray Blue Frame Second G
ZGMF-1001 Elijah’s ZAKU Phantom
* ZGMF-1017 Elijah’s GINN
Vehicles and Support Units
Mobile Weapons
* AME-WAC01 DINN Special Electronic Installation Type
* AMF-101 DINN
* YFX-200 CGUE DEEP Arms
* XMF-P192P Proto Chaos
* ZGMF-600 GuAIZ
ZGMF-1000 Hospital ZAKU
* ZGMF-1000 ZAKU Warrior
* ZGMF-1001/K Slash ZAKU Phantom
* ZGMF-1001/M Blaze ZAKU Phantom
* ZGMF-1017 GINN
* ZGMF-1017M GINN High Maneuver Type
* ZGMF-2000 GOUF Ignited
* ZGMF-X13A Providence Gundam
* ZGMF-X24S Chaos Gundam
* ZGMF-X31S Abyss Gundam
* ZGMF-X56S Impulse Gundam
* ZGMF-X56S/α Force Impulse Gundam
* ZGMF-X56S/β Sword Impulse Gundam
* ZGMF-X56S/γ Blast Impulse Gundam
ZGMF-X56S/δ Chaos Impulse Gundam
ZGMF-X56S/ε Abyss Impulse Gundam
ZGMF-X56S/ζ Gaia Impulse Gundam
* ZGMF-X56S/θ Destiny Impulse Gundam
* ZGMF-X88S Gaia Gundam
* ZGMF-X999A ZAKU Mass Production Trial Type
Vehicles and Support Units
* Guul
* Minerva
* Nazca class
Transport Helicopter
* YFX-M56 Core Splendor
Mobile Weapons
* GAT/A-01E2 Buster Dagger
* GAT-01 Strike Dagger
* GAT-01A1+AQM/E-X02 Sword Dagger
* GAT-01A1+AQM/E-X04 Gunbarrel Dagger
* GAT-02L2 Dagger L
* GAT-02L2+AQM/E-M11 Doppelhorn Dagger L
* GAT-02L2+AQM/E-X02 Sword Dagger L
* GAT-02L2+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Dagger L
* GAT-04+AQM/E-X01 Aile Windam
* GAT-333 Raider Full Spec
* GAT-706S Deep Forbidden
* GAT-SO2R N Dagger N
* GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam
* GAT-X133 Sword Calamity
* GAT-X252 Forbidden Gundam
* GAT-X255 Forbidden Blue
* GAT-X370 Raider Gundam
RGX-00 Testament Gundam
RGX-00+AQM/E-X02 Sword Testament Gundam
RGX-00+AQM/E-X05 Divine Testament Gundam
* RGX-01 Chaos Gundam
* RGX-02 Abyss Gundam
* RGX-03 Gaia Gundam
RGX-04 Proto-Saviour
RGX-04+X11A Proto-Saviour+11
* TS-MA4F Exus
* TSX-MA717/ZD Pergrande
* YMAG-X7F Gells-Ghe
Vehicles and Support Units
Agamemnon class (refit)
* AQM/E-X04 Gunbarrel Striker
* Girty Lue class (Girty Lue)
Howitzer Vehicle
Spengler class
Mobile Weapons
* GAT-X133 Sword Calamity
* MBF-M1A M1A Astray
* MBF-P01-Re2<AMATU> Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu Mina Custom
* ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam
* ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam
Vehicles and Support Units
* Archangel class (Archangel)
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Writer (Manga/Novel):
Tomohiro Chiba
Artist (Manga):
Koichi Tokita
Mechanical Designer(s):
Junichi Akutsu
Yoshihiko Machida
4 volumes (manga); 2 volumes (novel)
Manga Release:
Japan 09.25.2004 – 04.26.2006
Novel Release:
Japan 10.01.2004 – 06.01.2006