
In C.E. 75, Blue Cosmos terrorist forces attack ZAFT soldiers defending Aldrin City in Africa. In Earth orbit, the assault ship Millennium of the peacekeeping force Compass prepares to launch its mobile suits. Kira Yamato readies to launch in his Rising Freedom Gundam and announces that he’ll take point while Shinn Asuka defends the government buildings and Lunamaria Hawke and Agnes Giebenrath help with the civilian evacuation. He also asks Hilda Harken’s team to stay back and defend the Millennium. Lunamaria’s GELGOOG Menace launches, followed by Agnes’ GYAN Strom, Shinn’s Immortal Justice Gundam and Kira’s Rising Freedom. Kira and Shinn transform their Gundams and begin atmospheric reentry, while Agnes and Lunamaria deploy ballutes. Blue Cosmos deploy a massive Destroy Gundam, which inflicts more damage on the devastated city. A Windam prepares to attack unarmed civilians and is shot from above by Kira, who issues a warning to Blue Cosmos forces. The Compass team comes under attack from the Destroy Gundam, and when Shinn asks Agnes for support, she counters that he’s the support unit. Kira destroys the Destroy Gundam’s detachable arms before blasting the main unit. Shinn, frustrated, uses his beam boomerang to destroy attacking 105 Daggers. The Blue Cosmos forces decide to fall back to the city of Kanzai, and ZAFT announces that they will pursue Blue Cosmos to Kanzai and capture the enemy leader. Col. Michael. The battle takes a turn in ZAFT’s favor, and Kira asks them to stop fighting because Michael isn’t there. The ZAFT mobile suits ignore Kira, so he starts disabling both their suits and Blue Cosmos’. The Compass team is impressed by Kira’s prowess, and Agnes thinks he’s on a completely different level than Shinn. After the battle, the Compass battleship Archangel arrives to assist with relief efforts. Kira’s team is greeted by Capt. Murrue Ramius and pilot Mu La Flaga. Kira asks about casualties and Murrue explains that the current total is 257 dead, of which 68 are civilians. Mu is annoyed that they didn’t get the mothership, and Murrue notes that the news of Michael’s presence was a ruse to lure ZAFT into committing a border violation. Shinn wonders how long Blue Cosmos can keep sending pilots on suicide missions and notes that they’ll run out of pilots and mobile suits eventually. Kira answers that they’re not gonna stop, which is the worst part. At the Aprilius City PLANT, ZAFT military commander Hari Jagannath argues with Compass President Lacus Clyne about the recent battle and the insult of Kira attacking ZAFT forces. The Archangel raises its altitude and fires its Lohengrin cannons to create an energy stream that allows Kira’s team to return to the Millennium in Earth orbit. After the meeting, Lacus apologizes to PLANT Supreme Council Chairman Walter de Lament, but he tells her it’s alright. Lament comments that tensions in the military are heightening, especially after all the losses they’ve experienced. He asks if there’s any trace of Michael, but Lacus shakes her head no. Lament wonders if Michael is hiding in the military buffer zone in Eurasia, which she thinks is possible. With the Millennium returning home for the first time in a month, Lament hopes that Kira is able to get some rest and comments that he’s a strange man. He says that Kira’s quiet disposition doesn’t make him seem like a soldier, yet he’s trying to carry the burden of the entire war on his shoulders. Lacus’ robot bird Blue flies away, and she tells herself that she wants to free Kira from this cycle of conflict before his kindness breaks him. Nearby, Jagannath meets with a delegate from the Foundation nation. At the Orb Union on Earth, Orb leader Cagalli Yula Athha speaks to her aide Toyah Mashima about a proposal from Queen Aura Maha Khyber of Foundation. Toyah comments that Foundation seems to know where Michael is, and Cagalli notes there’s two sides to every story. She discusses Foundation’s proposal on a video call with Lacus and their request to join Compass and receive international recognition. Cagalli comments on how Foundation has achieved remarkable economic and technological advances since their independence, but their relationship with the Eurasian Federation isn’t great. In addition, the “Foundation Shock” of their independence is triggering similar movements across other parts of Eurasia. Lacus wonders how Foundation could’ve achieved so much in such a short time, and Cagalli answers that it’s because of their prime minister, Orphee Lam Tao. Cagalli wonders if the Destiny Plan is in play, but Lacus doesn’t want to assume. Although they stopped the Destiny Plan, they don’t want to push their rejection onto people who see value in it. However, Lacus thinks that allowing Foundation to join Compass might complicate their relations with Eurasia. Cagalli notes that Orb still owes Foundation for the Freedom seizure incident from six months earlier and asks Lacus what she would do. Lacus wants more time to consider and thinks back to a year ago when she decided to accept leadership of Compass.

On the Millennium, Shinn comments to Lunamaria that maybe Kira doesn’t fully trust him since he insists on fighting alone. Lunamaria thinks that’s to keep their damage low, but Shinn wonders what they’re even here for. Shinn recalls when he met Kira after the previous war and how he was moved by Kira’s words that they should fight together on the same side. Lunamaria asks Shinn if he’s having second thoughts, and he answers that he isn’t but wants to be more useful to Kira. Lunamaria thinks that Shinn being assigned to pilot the Immortal Justice is a sign of trust, but Agnes enters the room and says she doesn’t think Kira trusts Shinn at all. She notes that Shinn is known as the “Freedom Killer” and that if she were Kira she wouldn’t trust someone who could shoot her in the back. Agnes thinks that Shinn should give her the Immortal Justice because she performed better than him at the ZAFT academy. Lunamaria tells her to stop, but Agnes keeps going and says she thought it was strange that Shinn was picked for the FAITH special forces in the war. In the end, she notes, Shinn just ended up as a pawn of former PLANT Chairman Gilbert Durandal. At Aprilius City, Lacus cooks a meal while listening to casualty reports on the news. She gets a call from Kira and tells him not to overexert himself. Kira meets with Albert Heinlein to discuss ongoing issues with the development of the Proud Defender. Capt. Alexei Konoe asks Kira if it’s okay to not go home, but Kira wants to get the Proud Defender working sooner. Later, Lacus sleeps on the couch and has a dream of Kira keeping out of her reach and another face appearing over him. Kira gets home and finds the leftovers that Lacus set out for him, and he covers her with a blanket. He sits down at his computer and reads a document about the Destiny Plan, which reminds him of his final confrontation with Durandal. Lacus wakes up later and puts the blanket on Kira after he falls asleep at the computer. The next day, the two go on a motorcycle ride out to a picnic in the forest. Lacus tells Kira that Michael seems to be hiding in Eldore on the border with Eurasia. She mentions that Foundation wants to help with Michael’s capture, but she’s unsure what to do. Lacus asks Kira what he’d do, and he responds that if doing this can end the war, he has no reason to object. Kira comments that it’s frustrating now because he doesn’t know what he can or can’t do. The Millennium launches with Lacus aboard to travel to Foundation. The Millennium begins atmospheric reentry and flies alongside the Archangel over Foundation’s capital city, Ishtaria. The two ships land in the water and approach the royal palace. Lacus’ delegation is greeted by Orphee, and she has a strange feeling when she shakes his hand. He mentally tells her that he’s glad to meet her and that he’s her destiny. Kira has a reaction and hears a voice saying he’s in the way. In a slum portion of Ishtaria, Athrun Zala hides in an alley and watches as soldiers gun down a group of people and arrest others. Lacus’ delegation is given an audience with Aura, who comments that Eurasia isn’t communicating with them about the Michael issue. Aura mentions that she’s prepared a gathering for them and is led away by Orphee. Outside the palace, the group is led around by Ingrid Tradoll, who shows them the Black Knights practicing their sword fighting skills. Shura Serpentine disarms Liu Shenqiang and sends his sword flying in the air, causing it to hit the ground right in front of Kira and Shinn. Shura asks Kira for a demonstration of his skills, but when he hesitates, Griffin Arbalest mocks him as a commander who can’t use a sword. Redelard Tradoll comments that maybe Compass soldiers aren’t so special, and Daniel Harper adds this was proven in the battle the other day. Ingrid tells the Black Knights they’re being rude, and Shinn impulsively grabs a sword and accepts the challenge. Shinn attacks Shura, who easily dodges all his attacks and jumps over him before knocking the sword out of his hand. Daniel comments that even the Freedom Killer is a disappointment, and Redelard jokes that at least Shinn lasted a full minute. Shura says that Athrun must be the best fighter, which angers Shinn. Shura points his sword at Kira and wonders if he has the kind of power that governs the world. Kira answers that he’s not fighting for a world like that, and Agnes tells Shinn he’s pathetic. Shura recognizes her as the Moonlight Valkyrie and comments that the strong are beautiful. Later, Lacus and Murrue attend a ball and speak with Aura and Orphee, who asks Lacus for a dance. She accepts, but their dancing makes Ingrid jealous. Agnes wants Kira to dance with her, but he brushes her off and walks away. Lunamaria tells Agnes she shouldn’t make passes at her own boss, and Agnes counters that unlike some people, she won’t just settle for less. Kira overlooks the garden from the balcony and sees Lacus alone with Orphee. He hands her a flower and compliments her smile. He makes a comment about conflict being ingrained in human nature, and he wonders where it stems from. He thinks an unbalanced society is the problem, creating discontent. He imagines a society where everyone is needed by someone else and all differences could be eclipsed by progress. Orphee says he thinks their purpose is to create a world without poverty and discrimination. Kira is bothered by Orphee standing so close to Lacus and walks away. She then immediately excuses herself and leaves the garden.

Back on the Millennium, Agnes tells Kira that she feels bad that while he’s risking his life Lacus is out having a nice dance with Orphee. Lacus overhears this while trying to bring food to Kira, and Orphee says that Lacus is walking all over him. She says that she’s right here and tries to kiss Kira, but he pushes her away. Agnes declares that she wouldn’t sit in safety and watch after sending someone she loves onto the battlefield. Lacus runs away, and Kira tells Agnes that that’s not how it is and she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. He steps into the hallway and sees a food tray with Haro-shaped onigiri. He then exits the ship and runs into Orphee while looking for Lacus. Orphee  comments that Kira is neither qualified nor worthy of being with Lacus because all he creates is destruction, hatred and death. Orphee asks Kira to think of what he stole from the world when he killed Durandal, who conceived of the Destiny Plan. Orphee thinks that the Destiny Plan was the ultimate solution for humanity and that someone like Lacus could create that future, but the man standing at her side should be worthy. Orphee believes that he can stand at Lacus’ side and create a conflict free world, which Kira can’t do because he only knows how to fight. Agnes cries and runs into Shura’s arms and asks why she’s not good enough for Kira. Lacus sits in a gondola and is approached again by Orphee. She asks why it’s so difficult for people to not fight and feels a strange sensation when he touches her. She asks who he really is, and he answers that he was fated to meet her and help bring peace to the world. He adds that they were both made for this purpose, and Kira sees them together before walking off again. Ingrid watches from behind a nearby tree and feels distress seeing Orphee with Lacus. Aura speaks to the Black Knights in her chamber and tells them that their destined future is at hand. The next day, the Compass and Eurasian delegations meet with the Foundation representatives in a conference room to discuss Blue Cosmos. According to the briefing, Michael’s forces are in an abandoned fortress in Eldore and are using underground tunnels to cross back and forth through Eurasian territory. Murrue decides that the Foundation forces should contain Blue Cosmos while also helping evacuate civilians. Meanwhile, Compass will capture Michael and force Blue Cosmos to surrender. The Archangel takes off to lead the operation and travels to the Foundation/Eurasian border. Eurasia has declared that the Archangel can only operate in Eldore and that any crossing of the border will be seen as an invasion that they will respond to with an attack. The Murasame Kai team launches and the ship opens fire to intercept incoming enemy fire. The Millennium takes off and deploys all the suits in the Yamato and Harken teams. Mu leads the Murasame Kai team in bombarding the enemy position from above, and Shinn engages 105 Daggers after landing. Kira disables several 105 Daggers and dodges an attack from a damaged Destroy Gundam. Suicide bombers posing as civilians set off explosions at the military demarcation line where Foundation forces are posted. Kira and Shinn use their offensive shields to damage the Destroy Gundam and they then both rush in to stab it with their beam sabers. Orphee asks the Eurasian officers for permission to help the civilians, but they authorize it only within Eldore. The Black Knights take off in their mobile suits, and Shura telepathically tells his subordinates to begin the operation. Griffin lands his Rud-ro.A and launches a telepathic attack on Kira, which causes him to see visions of Rau Le Creuset. He then hallucinates that he can see Michael attempting to escape in a jeep, so he dashes forward. Shinn tells Kira to stop, but Kira explains that he needs backup to capture Michael. Mu warns Kira that he’s getting too close to the border, but he moves forward and violates the border.

The Eurasian forces fire warning shots at Kira, but he continues to hallucinate and does a full burst attack on all of them. Lacus pleads with him to stop, but he insists that he has to stop Michael. Lacus is sure there must be a reason why Kira violated the border, but Oprhee says he’s clearly delirious or treasonous. Orphee asks the Eurasians to let Foundation handle things so that Kira doesn’t ruin all their efforts. Lacus reluctantly authorizes measures against Kira, which he’s shocked to hear over the radio. Albert reports to Konoe that all communications are being scrambled by an NJ Dazzler, so Konoe orders Lunamaria to launch and take a sniper rifle and comm thread. Orphee telepathically tells Shura to keep going with the plan. Kira suddenly comes under attack from Redelard’s Rud-ro.A and Griffin’s Rud-ro.A. The Rising Freedom takes significant damage, and Kira finds himself surrounded not only by their units, but also Shura’s Shi-ve.A and old ZAFT suits used by Foundation. The Black Knights telepathically mock Kira and move in to attack him, causing even more damage. Shinn takes off to help Kira and opens fire on Griffin’s Rud-ro.A when he blocks Shinn’s path. Hilda’s GYAN Strom also comes under fire from Foundation and Mu wonders if they planned this. Murrue realizes that this is a trap and orders the Archangel to move forward so they can rescue Kira’s team. Elsewhere, Liu and Daniel kill the Eurasian soldiers at a nuclear missile post and hack the launch system. The Archangel spots them taking off from way behind the Eurasian lines just before the nuclear missiles launch. The Eurasian officer in the Foundation operations room confirms that nuclear missiles have been launched at them. The Archangel’s communications are blocked just before Liu and Daniel open fire on the ship and take out its weapons systems. The Archangel is then hit by a barrage of missiles from the Foundation’s ZAFT suits. Mars Simeon and Herbert Von Reinhardt attack Shura and are surprised that their beams have no effect, which they conclude is the rumored Femto Tech Armor. Redelard destroys a Eurasian command post where soldiers are working to override the nuclear missiles. Orphee orders a full evacuation of the city and asks Lacus to join him. Lunamaria launches and takes position on the ground to snipe the missiles. She fires her sniper rifle and destroys one of the missiles, and the second changes course. Lunamaria takes to the sky in an attempt to interface, and Lacus evacuates in a Foundation shuttle. Lunamaria misses and falls into the water, and the missile detonates over Ishtaria. Kira fights Shura and has his railguns destroyed, while Shinn struggles in the air against Griffin. With the Archangel’s engines heavily damaged, Murrue orders the crew to abandon ship. The Archangel ejects its engines before they explode and then crashes into the ground. Liu and Daniel use illusions to trick Mars and Herbert before killing them. A third nuclear missile launches and Murrue escapes from the bridge just before Daniel destroys it. Additional missiles rain down on the Archangel and completely destroy the ship. Filled with rage, Mu attacks Liu and Daniel and takes heavy damage. Shinn is distracted by the destruction of the Archangel, and Griffin uses the opportunity to slice the Immortal Justice in half. Shinn manages to eject just in time before the Immortal Justice explodes, and Hila rescues him when Griffin tries to go after him. Shura continues to damage the Rising Freedom and tells Kira this is his fate. Shura unleashes a barrage of short needles that pierce the Rising Freedom all over, and Agnes swoops in to slice off the incapacitated suit’s arm and legs. Kira escapes from the cockpit and is shocked by Agnes’ betrayal. She moves in for the killing blow and is hit from behind from missiles fired by Athrun’s Z’Gok. Athrun engages Shura and sees that he’s a skilled pilot. Murrue lies injured on the Archangel’s deck, and Mu lands his damaged Murasame Kai nearby to rescue her. Shura is informed it’s time to leave and telepathically asks Agnes if she’s coming. She says yes, so he grabs her GYAN Strom and takes off. Meyrin Hawke lands the Cavalier Aifrid nearby to rescue Kira and tells him she has the Archangel’s crew. They escape before the nuclear missile hits the area and destroys the remains of the Archangel, along with the evidence of Foundation’s treachery. Lacus cries and wonders what happened to Kira. Four days later, the Cavalier Aifrid enters a secret underwater dock on the Athha family’s Akatsuki Island. Meyrin listens to a news report stating that relief efforts are not going well and that N-Jammer Cancellers are going into operation again. In a video call with other Compass members, Toyah reports that they haven’t found the Compass mobile suits, so they believe the pilots were caught in the nuclear blast along with the Archangel. A question is asked about Lacus’ whereabouts, and no one knows where she is. In space, Lacus is transported in a medical capsule to the Foundation battleship Gullvelg. Foster, a Eurasian official, wants to blame Kira for causing the whole situation, but Cagalli counters that the situation is so unclear right now that they shouldn’t be making any judgments. Lament comments that they won’t know the truth unless they can find Kira or Michael. Foster finds it convenient that no one can be blamed and suggests this was an opportunity for the PLANTs to interfere with Eurasia. Cagalli angrily declares that Kira would never do that, and Foster and Lament decide that their governments will withdraw from Compass.

Elsewhere, the Millennium is docked at Orb’s Onogoro Island and Lunamaria cries inside of Shinn’s darkened room. Albert tells Konoe that based on the timing of the communications jamming, there’s a 92 percent chance that the Black Knights were responsible. Executive officer Arthur Trine can’t believe the realization that Foundation planned a nuclear attack against themselves. Konoe knows they have no evidence, and Albert notes that they have no mobile suits, orders to return to base and no word on the Archangel’s crew. Konoe doesn’t think they’d go down that easily and isn’t counting them out. At Akatsuki Island, the Compass members watch news reports stating that Foundation’s casualties include 50,000 dead and over 100,000 injured or missing. Shinn can’t believe the news that Compass has been indefinitely suspended over the incident. Athrun explains that Cagalli did the best she could, but the entire world’s anger is focused on Compass. He adds that they haven’t informed the Millennium of their situation, and Kira asks about Lacus. Athrun answers that she escaped on a Foundation shuttle, and Kira states that she betrayed them all. Athrun briefs everyone on an investigation that Terminal was conducting and shows them a picture of an adult Aura – from 19 years ago at the genetics lab on the Mendel space colony. He explains that her research focused on creating a species of human that surpassed Coordinators. Athrun believes that everything that has happened was Aura’s plan. In space, a cloaked Foundation ship approaches the lunar cannon Requiem. They then use reflectors to fire Requiem and aim its massive energy blast at the Eurasian Federation’s capital city Moscow, completely destroying it in the process. The stranded Compass members hear about the destruction of Moscow, and while Shinn wonders if it was another nuclear attack, Athrun explains that it was Requiem. A meeting of world leaders is interrupted by a broadcast from Orphee, who claims that his people were chased off Earth by the hatred of Naturals. Orphee reveals that Foundation adopted the Destiny Plan as national policy, which led to their miraculous growth. He says that those who deny evolution and are filled with hate are like parasites who squander the opportunity of living on Earth. At the PLANT Supreme Council Building, Dearka Elsman delivers news to Yzak Joule. Just then, ZAFT forces loyal to Jagannath initiate a coup d’état against the civilian government. Orphee continues his speech and declares that his people are the ultimate product of genetic engineering that surpasses Coordinators: the Accords. He says that Accords are destined by their genes to lead humanity and that Lacus is one of them. Orphee declares that Lacus will help lead humanity into the future, and he tells all nations that they have five days to surrender and accept the Destiny Plan or face the punishment of Requiem. Yzak, Dearka and Shiho Hahnenfuss help evacuate Lament to the Eternal before Jagannath’s goons can get to him. Lament thanks former politicians Eileen Canaver and Ezalia Joule for helping with his escape. He knows he has to stay hidden now while events play out, and Dearka explains that the destroyed asteroid Boaz has a resistance supply facility entrusted to them by Lacus. Elsewhere, Orphee apologizes to Lacus for making her wait to meet with him, but she counters he can apologize by letting her go immediately. Orphee says that this is where Lacus belongs, and Aura adds that this is what her mother intended. Athrun explains to the Compass crew that Durandal and Aura designed the Accords to be the managers of the Destiny Plan. Aura tells Lacus that she created her to be loved by the people and to lead them, and Lacus is shocked to learn this news. Aura declares that Lacus and Orphee are the pinnacle of humanity, and Lacus feels a strange sensation when Orphee touches her hand. Orphee tries to move in for a kiss, but Lacus breaks away and says he’s not the man she’s in love with. Orphee reminds Lacus that they shot down Kira and that he’s not needed for the world that is to come. Lacus counters that you don’t love people because they’re needed, but you need them because you love them. Orphee angrily shouts back that Lacus sounds like a lowly Natural. 

Athrun reveals that a coup d’etat is underway within ZAFT and that he can’t reach Lament or any council members. Hilda asks what they can do about it and notes that they have no suits and no ship. Athrun speculates that if the Accords can read minds, they might also have the power to influence minds. Shinn realizes that this is why Kira acted weird during the previous battle. Multiple ships launch from the Earth Alliance’s lunar base. Athrun thinks that rescuing Lacus is the only way to stop this, but Kira thinks it’s hopeless. The Alliance fleet engages the ZAFT coup forces and is destroyed by a blast from Requiem. Kira complains that he keeps making the same mistakes and just fighting, but nothing changes. He wonders if every decision he’s made is wrong and if that’s why Lacus abandoned him for Orphee. He feels that he can’t give Lacus anything at all, not even a smile. He says that she betrayed him because it’s what he deserved, and Athrun punches him strongly enough to knock him down to the ground. Athrun yells at Kira to stop his whining and consider Lacus’ feelings.He adds that if Kira is so tired of fighting he can mope on the floor and rot away. Kira gets up and tries to attack Athrun, but Athrun is able to keep him at bay. He says that Kira acts like he’s the only one who’s fighting, and Kira retorts that he can’t help it because everyone else is so weak. Shinn tries to intervene in the fight and ends up getting punched himself. Hilda tells him to stay back and says that as friends Kira and Athrun have to fight it out. Athrun dodges Kira’s punches and tells him to stop trying to do everything himself without asking for help. He punches Kira and knocks him to the ground again, and Kira starts crying and saying he wants to see Lacus. He doesn’t know what to do, and Athrun scoffs at the idea that Kira has to be useful to please Lacus. Kira states that Lacus wanted the world to be at peace, and Athrun counters that she wants a partner to walk with her on the path to peace at every step. Athrun offers his hand and tells Kira they should go rescue Lacus together. Meyrin pieces together intel from various sources and theorizes that Lacus is being held at the space fortress Artemis. Kira adds that he can use Birdy and Blue’s quantum networks to determine Lacus’ exact location. Shinn asks what they can do without suits or a ship, but Murrue has an idea. Erica adds that she has mobile suits and unveils the repaired and upgraded Impulse Gundam Spec II, Destiny Gundam Spec II and Strike Freedom Gundam Type II. Shinn is confident that he can beat the Black Knights if he’s piloting the Destiny Gundam. At night, the Compass crew launches an operation to seize control of the Millennium. Konoe, understanding what’s happening, orders the crew to abandon ship. Murrue and Kira come to the bridge wearing masks and Konoe comments that they’re running late. Shinn pranks Lunamaria by sneaking up behind her, and she responds by flipping him over and kicking him. She starts crying after Shinn removes his mask and kisses him before slapping him several times. Orphee hears the news about the Millennium being hijacked and isn’t surprised that Orb is causing more trouble. The Millennium group discusses the plan, which involves the ship being a decoy while an infiltration group uses Mirage Colloid to get to Artemis and rescue Lacus. Albert states that they have to disable Requiem before it can be used to attack Orb, and he notes that the cannon is heavily protected and the relays are cloaked with Mirage Colloid, so they have no idea where they are until the cannon is fired. However, the first relay point is positioned directly above Requiem, so they should see it right before it fires. Konoe hands over command of the ship to Murrue, saying that they’re all rebels or pirates now, and the captain should know how to fight like that. Murrue accepts and asks Konoe to be her executive officer. The Millennium accelerates out of port and is threatened by an Orb fleet, which opens fire in a way that deliberately misses. Orphee calls Cagalli and says that Orb has ignored their demands, so he’s going to fire Requiem in 10 minutes. Cagalli orders an immediate evacuation of civilians in the capital city Olofat, and the Millennium takes off and ascends through the atmosphere. Konoe comments that they couldn’t fool Foundation, but Murrue thinks that they wanted to hit Orb from the start and just needed an excuse. Cagalli prays for her people’s protection and prepares to launch in the Strike Rouge and Cavalier Aifrid Two. Kira calls Orphee and reveals that he’s alive, which enrages Orphee. He calls Foundation murderers and vows that they’ll show the world the truth about them. Filled with rage, Aura orders that Requiem be fired instead at the Millennium. The ship is able to dodge the blast and fires its Tannhauser cannon to create an energy stream and escape the atmosphere. In space, Yzak and Dearka pilot the upgraded Duel Blitz Gundam and Lightning Buster Gundam and dock with METEOR weapons platforms. Kira departs with Athrun in the Z’Gok and Cavalier Aifrid and tells Shinn that he’s entrusting him with protecting the ship. 

Ingrid asks Lacus why she refuses to accept the fate she’s been assigned and the power she can wield. She thinks serving their purpose will bring happiness, but Lacus believes everyone has the right to choose their own path. Ingrid thinks that Lacus wants people to keep suffering with the war lasting forever, and she says Lacus doesn’t realize how lucky she is, being born to rule the world with Orphee. Lacus comments that Ingrid seems to be the one who wants Orphee, but then he walks in and interrupts the conversation. Orphee asks Lacus again to fulfill her duty, but she rejects him once again, which enrages him. He pushes her onto the bed and shouts that Kira isn’t qualified to be with her because he’s not an Accord. He tries to open Lacus’ robe and she tells him that he can subjugate people with force, but not their hearts. He demands to know why she won’t love him, and she answers that she’s not the Lacus he imagines. Orphee storms out the room and announces that he’s heading to the Moon. He transfers to the Gullvelg and is informed that the Millennium will intercept them in four minutes. Albert activates the new crystalline armor system, which protects the ship from the enemy fleet’s attack. The enemy fleet launches missiles, but the Millennium dodges while returning fire. Shinn launches in the Destiny Gundam, followed by Lunamaria in the Impulse Gundam and Hilda in the GELGOOG Menace. Murrue transfers to a small combat bridge while Lunamaria docks with the Blast Silhouette. The Strike Freedom approaches Artemis, and Shura decides to fight it alone. Kira mentally reaches out to Lacus, and Orphee has a bad feeling about the enemy splitting their forces. Shinn, Lunamaria and Hilda open fire and destroy many of Foundation’s ZAFT suits. Shura launches in his Shi-ve.A, and the Cavalier Aifrid uses the opportunity to sneak through the opening in Artemis’ energy shield. The Cavalier Aifrid opens fire and destroys a Baldr warship in the dock. Kira’s team heads out on foot and Meyrin hacks the enemy system to close all bulkheads. Aura wants Shura to return, but she and everyone else in the control room passes out from the knockout gas pumped into the ventilation system by Haros. After fighting the Strike Freedom for a bit, Shura realizes that Athrun is the pilot. Ingrid pulls a gun on Lacus and cries that everyone is trying to rescue her because they also value her superiority. She then takes Lacus hostage at knifepoint when Kira storms into the room. Ingrid threatens to cut Lacus so she can’t sing anymore, but Kira vows that he’d still love her anyway. Lacus goes limp and Ledonir Kisaka shoots Ingrid in the leg when she lets go of Lacus. The three exit the room and leave Ingrid to her tears. Athrun rendezvous with the Cavalier Aifrid so that he and Kira can switch suits. Orphee gives the order to fire on Orb, and Mu uncloaks the Akatsuki Gundam over Requiem’s barrel and destroys the first relay. He then absorbs and reflects the Requiem blast back at Foundation ships. The battleship Kusanagi drops its camouflage over the Moon and launches its Murasame Kai suits. The ship fires its Lohengrin cannons and destroys multiple ZAFT coup ships. The Black Knights launch and join the battle, and Lunamaria swaps to the Sword Silhouette. Lunamaria is surprised to see Agnes on the battlefield, and Agnes responds that she’s alive because Shura recognizes her value. She then attacks Lunamaria, who says that Foundation is just using her. Agnes thinks that as a Coordinator Lunamaria should be siding with Foundation, but she’s blinded by love of Shinn. Lunamaria denies that and counters that Agnes is just bitter because Kira rejected her. Shinn single handedly engages the Black Knights and activates SEED mode, which allows him to fight without thinking (and being read). At the PLANTs, allied forces take back control and Lament makes an announcement demanding that all coup participants surrender. Yzak and  Dearka fire their METEORs and Yzak orders all ZAFT coup participants to surrender and return to their home units. Meyrin takes Lacus back to the Millennium using the Cavalier Aifrid. Yzak asks Jagannath if he wants to be charged with treason, but the coup leader counters that they’re shouldering the future of the PLANTs. Lacus broadcasts an address and states that she escaped from Foundation and doesn’t agree with the Destiny Plan. Kira deploys the Strike Freedom’s DRAGOONs and disables ZAFT suits before being attacked by Shura. Orphee gives orders to draw in the Millennium so they can destroy it, and he vows that he and Shura will dispose of their enemies. Lacus asks Murrue for permission to launch in the Proud Defender and deliver it to Kira. 

Athrun and Meyrin launch in the Z’Gok and Cavalier Aifrid, followed by Lacus in the Proud Defender. Orphee and Ingrid launch in the Cal-re.A with Ziggurat large DRAGOONs and he warns her this is her last chance to prove herself. Yzak demands once more that Jagannath surrender and not waste the lives of his soldiers, but Jagannath counters by asking why Yzak is siding with the people of the old world. Dearka thinks there’s no point in this and that if Jagannath could’ve been persuaded it would’ve happened. Kira activates his SEED mode and engages Shura until Orphee joins the battle and mocks him for fighting in such an outdated suit. Kira counters that he has a weapon that they don’t – Lacus’ love. This enrages Oprhee, who calls Kira trash that is unworthy of Lacus. Fighting near the ruins of Messiah, Kira dodges Orphee’s constant barrage of missiles launched by the Ziggurats. Lunamaria docks with the Force Silhouette and receives a deuterion beam recharge from Shinn. Lunamaria faces off against Agnes again while Shinn takes on the Black Knights. Orphee is furious that a failed experiment like Kira is standing in his way and proclaims that Kira isn’t qualified to be loved. The Strike Freedom sustains heavy damage and phase shifts down. Orphee launches a needle attack that is blocked by Athrun’s Z’Gok. The armor then falls off, revealing the Infinite Justice Gundam Type II underneath. Lacus arrives and docks the Proud Defender with the Strike Freedom to form the Mighty Strike Freedom Gundam. The Mighty Strike Freedom dodges a full burst attack from the Cal-re.A, which shocks Orphee. Lacus enters the cockpit and tells Kira that her place is at his side. Orphee attacks again and declares that he’ll kill Lacus as well for rejecting him. Lacus activates a wide-scale attack that disables surrounding ships and she gives Kira permission to use the Disruptor heavy nucleon beam cannon. Lacus tells Kira to link his consciousness with hers so they can target the enemy behind Messiah. With Requiem repaired, Aura issues orders to target both the enemy fleet and Orb. Griffin launches a telepathic attack on Shinn, but a ghostly image of Stella Loussier appears to defend him. The image of Stella takes on a hideous appearance, which unnerves Griffin and Daniel. Shinn uses after image duplicates to overwhelm them, and Hilda kills Redelard to avenge Herbert and Mars. Using all his weapons, Shinn single handedly kills Griffin, Daniel and Liu. Agnes complains that she never gets what she wants and claims that Lunamaria doesn’t even love Shinn, but Lunamaria counters that she does. Lunamaria disables the GYAN Strom while Agnes cries that she wants Kira to love her. The Millennium fires its Tannhauser cannon to destroy the Foundation fleet blocking their path to the Gullvelg. Jagannath tries to ram his Vesalius class cruiser into the Millennium, but Yzak and Dearka destroy it first. Shura compliments Athrun as a worthy opponent but vows that he’ll win because it’s the whole reason for his existence. Athrun thinks of Cagalli naked, which distracts and enrages Shura. Athrun activates his SEED mode and uses a head-mounted beam saber to kill Shura. Orphee is angered by Shura’s death, and Lacus asks him to stop fighting. Orphee accuses her of being an egocentric woman who loves to be worshiped by those inferior to her. Lunamaria docks the Force Impulse with a METEOR while Shinn docks with the Zeus Silhouette provided by Mu. The Millennium activates its bow ram to slam into the Gullvelg. Orphee asks why he can’t be loved, and Lacus tells him that someone already loves him, even if he hasn’t noticed. Orphee despairs that humans are destined to repeat their bloody history and that they need someone to lead them. Kira uses his Futsunomitama sword to stab the Cal-re.A and mortally wound Orphee. Shinn fires his cannon at Requiem and destroys it, while the Millennium unleashes a full barrage on the Gullvelg. Ingrid clutches Orphee just before the Cal-re.A explodes. Lunamaria lands on the Moon’s surface and reaches out the Force Impulse’s hand to Agnes. Athrun flies back to Earth and rendezvous with Cagalli. Kira and Lacus land on a beach and strip naked before kissing.


The movie that so many (myself included) never expected to happen finally came to fruition in 2024. A lot changed in the Gundam universe from 2006 (when the movie was announced) to 2024, and SEED FREEDOM in many ways feels like a relic of the aughts. Sure, the animation quality has improved and the mecha are 3D CG, but nothing at all about the character designs has changed in the interim. In crafting a follow up story to DESTINY, you can clearly see that the writing of this movie is a mess. It definitely tries to cram way too much plot into a two-hour movie, and this kind of story would’ve been better served as an OVA series or a second movie. The movie’s antagonists are the rulers of the mysterious Foundation, but they amount to little more than one-dimensional psychos with no depth at all. In fact, they rather remind me of a similar setup from the last Code Geass movie – a mysterious nation you’ve never heard of with super advanced mecha piloted by sickos. And what’s the ultimate objective of these genetically engineered psychos? Why, to do an exact rerun of Durandal’s Destiny Plan and hold the world hostage under the threat of Requiem. Somehow, they’re convinced that their status as Accords makes them superior beings and that Durandal’s stupid plan will work better this time. Their leader, Aura, was shown to have been a contemporary of Durandal and an adult, but in the main story she’s a child, and this goes completely unexplained. We also get the retconned revelation that Lacus is an Accord, which mostly just results in a kidnapped princess plot for her. Her relationship with Kira is not well developed in this movie, and all their dialogue about love and relationships is corny to the point of being cringe. Shinn plays second banana to Kira’s moping, and it’s odd seeing him going from being so vengeful and hating Kira to desperately seeking his approval with strong “pick me” vibes. Some elements of the plot seem underdeveloped – a coup within ZAFT could be an entire storyline of its own, but here it gets scant attention and is mostly an excuse to bring back Yzak and Dearka. This movie goes to great lengths to squeeze in every living SEED  and DESTINY character that it can, often in silent cameos. There’s too many characters crammed into these two hours, so a lot of people have little to do. In the end, SEED FREEDOM is not unenjoyable, but it’s weighed down by same flaws that burdened DESTINY before it. Whether the nearly two decade wait for this movie was worth it depends wholly on how much you enjoyed DESTINY. For those that did, FREEDOM is a sort of epilogue to this era of Gundam. Given the massive success of the movie in Japan, it may not be the last time we see the Cosmic Era on screen, but only time will tell.

Overall Rating


Mitsuo Fukuda

Mitsuo Fukuda
Chiaki Morosawa
Liu Goto

Mechanical Designer(s):
Kunio Okawara
Kimitoshi Yamane
Kazutaka Miyatake
Junichi Akutsu
Manabu Shintani
Shiba Zen
Takuya Io
Hiroyuki Taiga

Character Designer:
Hisashi Hirai

Musical Composer:
Toshihiko Sahashi

1 movie

Theatrical Release:
Japan 01.26.2024
U.S. 03.31.2024


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