Super Robot Wars Advance is a video game released exclusively in Japan for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance in 2001. Developed by AI and published by Banpresto, it is a standalone game in the Super Robot Wars strategy RPG franchise. The game’s crossover lineup includes Mobile Suit Gundam, Zeta Gundam, Gundam ZZ, Char’s Counterattack, Gundam 0083, Gundam: The 08th M.S. Team, G Gundam, Endless Waltz, Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, Grendizer, Getter Robo, Getter Robo G, Shin Getter Robo, Dragonar, Nadesico, Zambot 3, Daimos, Daitarn 3, Combattler V and Voltes V. In 2008, the game was remade for the Sony PlayStation Portable and retitled Super Robot Wars A Portable.
NOTE: Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mecha or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.