Super Robot Wars Alpha is a video game released exclusively in Japan for the Sony PlayStation 1 in 2000 and Sega Dreamcast in 2001. Developed by Banpresoft and published by Banpresto, it is set in the Alpha continuity of the Super Robot Wars strategy RPG franchise. The game’s crossover lineup includes Zeta Gundam, Gundam ZZ, Char’s Counterattack, Gundam 0080, Gundam F91, Gundam 0083, Victory Gundam, Gundam Wing, Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, Getter Robo, Getter Robo G, Macross, Do You Remember Love?, Macross Plus, Combattler V, Voltes V, Brave Reideen, Daitarn 3, Dunbine, Dancouga, Gunbuster, Evangelion and Giant Robo.
AGX-05 Cybuster
DR-1 Ryuouki
R-1 Real Personal Trooper Type-1
R-2 Real Personal Trooper Type-2
R-2P Real Personal Trooper Type-2 Powered
R-3 Real Personal Trooper Type-3
R-3P Real Personal Trooper Type-3 Powered
RTX-008LC Huckebein EX
RTX-010 Huckebein Mark II
RTX-011AMB Huckebein Boxer
RTX-011AMG Huckebein Gunner
RTX-011L Huckebein Mark III
RW-1P R-Gun Powered
SRG-01-1C Grungust Kai
SRG-02 Grungust Type 2
SRG-03D Ryukooh
SRG-03T Koryuoh
SRX-00 Super Robot X-Type
TG-1 Koouki
Antenora (AGX-10 Mono Leg)
Astranagant (AGX-15 Black Angel)
Ezekiel (AGX-12 Knight)
Habakkuk (AGX-08 Fatman)
Judecca (AGX-14 White Death Cross)
Judecca (AGX-18 Black Death Cross)
Megillot (AGX-01 Bug)
Zechariah (AGX-07 Soldier)
Zfylud (AGX-17 Nightmare Cluster)
Vehicles and Support Units
Hermodr (AGX-11 Green Flower)
NOTE: Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mecha or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.