Super Robot Wars OG: Infinite Battle is a video game released exclusively in Japan for the Sony PlayStation 3 in 2013. Developed by B.B. Studio and published by Bandai Namco Games, it is set in the Original Generation continuity of the Super Robot Wars strategy RPG franchise. The game’s release was bundled with a DLC campaign titled Super Robot Wars OG: Dark Prison.
AGX-05 Cybuster
AVX-01 Aile Chevalier
AVX-02 Blanche Neige
DCAM-00 Granzon
DCAM-006V Guarlion Custom
DCAM-008-2 Altairlion
DCSMH-02 Valsione
DGG-XAM1 Dygenguar
DGG-XAM2 Aussenseiter
EG-X Soulgain
EG-XX Zweizergain
G Compatible Kaiser
GS-1D Giganscudo Duro
PTX-001 Gespenst Type R
PTX-001RV Gespenst Type RV
PTX-003C-SP1 Alteisen Riese (Gespenst Mark III)
PTX-006C Wildraubtier Schnabel
PTX-007-01 Gespenst Mark II Type R
PTX-007-02 Gespenst Mark II Type S
PTX-007-03UN Rein Weissritter
PTX-015 Wildwurger
PTX-016 Wildfalken
R-1 Real Personal Trooper Type-1
R-2P Real Personal Trooper Type-2 Powered
R-3 Real Personal Trooper Type-3
R-3P Real Personal Trooper Type-3 Powered
RGC-034 Razangriff
RPT-007 Gespenst Mark II Mass Produced Version
RPT-007K-P1 Gespesnt Mark II Custom
RW-1P R-Gun Powered
SRG-01-1C Grungust Kai
SRG-03 Grungust Type 3
SRG-03D Ryukooh
SRG-03T Koryuoh
SRX-00 Super Robot X-Type
VR-02 Vaisaga
XAM-007 Fairlion
XRAM-006VC Seigerlion
* YTA-06BW Cerberus
NOTE: Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mecha or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.