Super Robot Wars

Super Robot Wars Original Generation: The Animation

SRW OG OVA header

Super Robot Wars Original Generation: The Animation is an OVA series released in Japan in 2005. It is a sequel to the 2005 Nintendo Game Boy Advance title Super Robot Wars Original Generation 2. Directed by Jun Kawagoe, it was written by Satoru Nishizono and featured mechanical designs from the game team that includes Hajime Katoki and Kazutaka Miyatake, plus character designs by Ryo Tanaka and a score by Tsuneyoshi Saitoh. Following the events of Original Generation 2, the military prepares to roll out a new mass produced mecha, the Bartoll. However, the new mecha go berserk, forcing the SRX and ATX teams to fight their way to the truth. The Animation was later followed by two TV series that adapted the games that preceded it. Its story was also adapted as part of the 2007 Japan-exclusive Sony PlayStation 2 game Super Robot Wars Original Generations. The OVA series was originally released on home video in North America by Bandai Visual, but it has since been re-released by Media Blasters.


NOTE: Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mecha or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.

SRW OG: The Animation Info


Jun Kawagoe

Satoru Nishizono

Mechanical Designer(s):
Hajime Katoki
Kazutaka Miyatake
Junichi Moriya
Hiroshi Ando
Kazue Saito
Yasuhiro Saiki

Character Designer:
Ryo Tanaka

Musical Composer:
Tsuneyoshi Saitoh

3 episodes

Video Release:
Japan 05.27.2005 – 12.23.2005
U.S. 10.23.2007


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