Legendary Brave Da-Garn Legendary Brave Da-Garn is the third Brave series and aired exclusively in Japan from 1992-1993. Katsuyoshi Yatabe returns as director, joined by co-director Shinji ... By MAHQ StaffApril 21, 20220 Brave
Brave Brave of the Sun Fighbird Tagged with Brave SeriesFighbirdTV Brave of the Sun Fighbird is the second Brave TV series and aired exclusively in Japan from 1991-1992. Directed by Katsuyoshi Yatabe, its other ... By MAHQ StaffApril 17, 20220
Brave Brave Tagged with Brave Series The Brave series are an anime franchise created as a partnership between Sunrise, Nagoya TV and toy producer Takara following the end of the ... By MAHQ StaffApril 17, 20220