G Gundam Ep. 1: The Gundam Fight Begins! The Gundam That Fell to Earth Summary The year is Future Century (FC) 60, and it is the eve of a new Gundam Fight. Several Gundams fall to the ... By Chris GuancheJune 23, 20000 Gundam
Gundam Gundam ZZ Ep. 3: The Knight of the Endra Tagged with Gundam ZZTV Summary The briefcase from the Neo Zeon cruiser Endra reaches its destination. A colony official named Damar opens the briefcase and finds gold ... By Chris GuancheJune 20, 20000
Gundam Gundam ZZ Ep. 2: The Boy from Shangri-La Tagged with Gundam ZZTV Summary In early UC 0088, the AEUG (Anti-Earth Union Group) is devastated in its final battle against the fascist Titans. The Gryps War ... By Chris GuancheJune 20, 20000
Gundam Gundam ZZ Ep. 1: Prelude ZZ Tagged with Gundam ZZTV Summary N/A Commentary As a direct sequel to Zeta Gundam, this series has a lot of back story to catch up with. As ... By Chris GuancheJune 20, 20000