Mobile Suit Gundam AGE: Treasure Star is a manga series released exclusively in Japan from 2011-2012. It is a side story to the 2011 TV series Mobile Suit Gundam AGE. Written and illustrated by Masanori Yoshida, it was serialized in CoroCoro Comic magazine. The story focuses on the adventures of a boy named Daiki Ryuuzaki.
Mobile Weapons
AGE-1 Gundam AGE-1 Daiki Version
AGE-1 Gundam AGE-1 Phoenix
Kotetsu Genoace
Vehicles and Support Units
Treasure Star
Mobile Weapons
* ovv-a Baqto
* ovv-f Gafran
* xvv-xc Zedas
Vehicles and Support Units
Fa Bose class
Mobile Weapons
* AGE-1 Gundam AGE-1 Normal
* AGE-3 Gundam AGE-3 Normal
* RGE-G1100 Adele
Vehicles and Support Units
Diva class
Mobile Weapons
* CMS-223Z Zila
* CMS-328 Desperado
* CMS-574X Xeno
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Treasure Star Info
Masanori Yoshida
Masanori Yoshida
2 volumes
Manga Release:
Japan 10.xx.2011 – 06.xx.2012