Mobile Suit Victory Gundam New MSV is an original design series created alongside the 1993 TV series Mobile Suit Victory Gundam. Mecha designers Kunio Okawara and Junya Ishigaki created these variations, which were published in the New MSV Handbook series.
Mobile Weapons
* LM111E02 Gun EZ Early Production Type
* LM111E02 Gun EZ Ground Type
* LM111E02 Gun EZ Prototype
* LM111E02 Gun EZ Supplemental Type
* RGM-119 Jamesgun Early Type
* RGM-119D Desert Type Jamesgun
* RGM-122 Javelin Early Type
* RGM-122 Javelin Mega Spear Loading Type
* RGM-122 Javelin Prototype
* RGM-122C Javelin Cannon
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.