Class: N/A
Ships of the line: Varona
Unit type: 
space battleship
Manufacturer: Satelicon
Operator: Satelicon
First deployment: unknown
Dimensions: unknown
Wingspan: unknown
Weight: unknown
Propulsion: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: many x 2-barrel cannon
Mobile weapons: GS-9900 G-Falcon; many x RMS-006G Jenice Custom Ground Battle Type

In the years after the 7th Space War, the Space Revolutionary Army rebuilt its forces and prepared to conquer Earth in late A.W. 0015. With the New United Nations Earth focused on unifying Earth, the only opposition to the S.R.A. was the guerrilla group Satelicon. Using an abandoned asteroid as their base, Satelicon’s forces were comprised of the space battleship Varona, the GS-9900 G-Falcon fighter and many RMS-006G Jenice mobile suits. The Varona itself was armed with a several 2-barrel cannons. In September A.W. 0015, the S.R.A. launches on attack on Satelicon after the group attempted to assassinate S.R.A. Chancellor Seidel Rasso. During that battle, the Varona, along with the asteroid base, were both destroyed.

Captain: Togusa Ein
First appearance: After War Gundam X
Original mechanical designer: Junya Ishigaki


Gundam X Info

Shinji Takamatsu

Hiroyuki Kawasaki

Mechanical Designer(s):
Kunio Okawara
Junya Ishigaki

Character Designer:
Nobuyoshi Nishimura

Musical Composer:
Yasuo Higuchi

39 episodes

Japan 04.05.1996 – 12.28.1996


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