MechaSuper Robot Wars

Weissritter Abend


Model number: none
Code name: Weissritter Abend
Unit type: unmanned personal trooper
Manufacturer: Formido Hiem
Operator(s): Formido Hiem; Einst; Haken Browning
First deployment: unknown
Accommodation: none
Dimensions: head height ~3 meters
Weight: unknown
Armor materials: unknown material with organic properties
Powerplant: unknown
Equipment and design features: AI unit for independent action; electromagnetic transmission equipment, allows the unit to disable radar and hack systems; teleportation system; self-regenerating armor; flight system
Fixed armaments: 3 x beam cannon, mounted on right arm
Optional hand armaments: partisan launcher

The Weissritter Abend was one of the first personal trooper units created by the demon world of Formido Heim along with the Alteisen Nacht. The Abend was based on data found inside the front half of the Shadow Mirror battleship Neverland that crashed on Formido Heim. The Abend’s specialty was ranged combat. It was armed with three beam cannons on its right arm, and the partisan launcher, a rifle capable of firing both physical and beam rounds. The Abend was capable of transmitting data across a variety of electromagnetic bandwidths, allowing it to disable radar and hack enemy control programs. It also had the ability to fly and teleport independently. The Abend was normally red, but shed armor when output increased, turning the machine blue.

The Abend, along with the Nacht and the ArcGain, accompanied Formido Heim’s king, Stahl Deib, through a sealed Cross Gate into the world of the Einst. Deib and the three machines eventually returned, however they had been corrupted by the Einst. The three machines received an increase in combat ability, along with self-regenerating armor. Deib began the Ten Year War against the world of Elfetale shortly afterward. The personal troopers caused much devastation during the war. Realizing his king had changed, Ezel Granada, leader of Formido Heim’s elite Orchestral Army, revolted. Ezel managed to kill the Einst Deib, but the Orchestral Army was almost completely wiped out. The Ten Year War ended, and the Abend, Nacht and ArcGain disappeared.

Three years later, the Abend showed itself again with unknown motives. Bounty hunter Haken Browning encountered both the Abend and the Nacht in combat. After the personal troopers were defeated, Haken’s Gespenst Haken uploaded a control program into the Abend and Nacht, making the machines loyal to Haken. After the defeat of the Einst Wahrschein Lichkeit, and the subsequent merger of the Endless Frontier into one land, the Abend remained in Haken’s service.

First appearance: Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Endless Frontier
Original mechanical designer: Kazue Saito



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