Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Define is an ongoing manga series released exclusively in Japan beginning in 2011. It is a reinterpretation of the 1985 TV series Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. Written and illustrated by Hiroyuki Kitazume, it is serialized in Gundam Ace magazine. Set during the Gryps War in UC 0087, it features some new mobile suit designs.
Mobile Weapons
* MSA-003 Nemo
MSZ-000 Zero-Shiki
* MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam
* RMS-099 Rick Dias
* RMS-179 GM II
* RX-178 Gundam Mk-II
Vehicles and Support Units
* Argama class (Argama)
* Dodai Custom
* Garuda class (Audhumla)
* Garuda class (Sudori)
* Hohsenka
* Irish class
* Model D17 Comet
* Salamis class (modified)
* Shackles
* Space Crane Ship
* Space Launch
Mobile Weapons
* MRX-009 Psycho Gundam
* MS-06K Zaku Cannon
* MS-06V Zaku Tank
* NRX-044 Asshimar
* ORX-005 Gaplant
* PMX-000 Messala
* RMS-106 Hi-Zack
* RMS-108 Marasai
* RMS-117 Galbaldy β
* RMS-179 GM II
* RX-77-3 Guncannon Heavy Custom
* RX-160 Byarlant
* RX-178 Gundam Mk-II
Vehicles and Support Units
* Alexandria class
* Alexandria class (Hario)
* Base Jabber
* Cargo Aircraft
* Dogosse Giar class (Dogosse Giar)
* Garuda class (Audhumla)
* Garuda class (Melord)
* Garuda class (Sudori)
* Gettar
* Helicopter
* Jupitris class (Jupitris)
* Salamis class (modified)
* Space Launch
* Trailer
Mobile Weapons
* AMX-001 Prototype Qubeley
* AMX-003 Gaza-C
* AMX-004 Qubeley
* AMX-101 Galluss-J
* AMX-104 R-Jarja
* MS-09R Rick Dom
* MS-14A Gelgoog
* MS-14J ReGelgu
Vehicles and Support Units
* Endra class
Vehicles and Support Units
* La Vie en Rose class
Transport Ship
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Zeta Gundam Define Info
Hiroyuki Kitazume
Hiroyuki Kitazume
Mechanical Designer:
Kyoshi Takigawa
19 volumes (ongoing)
Manga Release:
Japan 06.25.2011 –