Model number: ZMT-S34S
Code name: Rig Contio
Unit type: assault use mobile suit
Manufacturer: BESPA (Zanscare Empire)
Operator: BESPA (Zanscare Empire)
First deployment: UC 0153
Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 16.3 meters
Weight: empty 10.7 metric tons; max gross 21.4 metric tons
Armor materials: high titanium alloy neo ceramic composite
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 6,500 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 96,990 kg total (3 x 32,330 kg); vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 24
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in hips, hand-carried in use; 2 x beam shield, mounted on hands; 3 x beam gun, mounted in torso; shot claw, large claw grappling weapon, wire-guided, with built-in beam gun/beam saber, mounted on left shoulder; variable beam launcher, selectable mega particle acceleration speed for damage or penetration application, mounted on right shoulder
Optional hand armaments: beam rifle, powered by rechargeable energy cap

An experimental mobile suit intended to serve as the next generation replacement for the already well-proven ZM-S14S Contio, the ZMT-S34S Rig Contio boasted a tremendous increase in generator output, thruster power and overall performance over its predecessor. While similarly armed to the standard Contio, the Rig Contio had its right shoulder shot claw replaced with a variable beam launcher. This weapon, operating in a principle similar to a VSBR (Variable Speed Beam Rifle), was powerful enough to take down an enemy battleship with a single shot. Only one Rig Contio prototype was known to have existed, piloted by BESPA ace Cronicle Asher in the last days of the Zanscare War.

Pilot: Cronicle Asher
First appearance: Mobile Suit Victory Gundam
Original mechanical designer: Junya Ishigaki




Rear view


Shot claw


Variable beam launcher

Victory Gundam Info

Yoshiyuki Tomino

Sukehiro Tomita
Ken Oketani
Kazuhiro Kanbe
Hideki Sonoda
Minoru Onoya

Mechanical Designer(s):
Hajime Katoki
Kunio Okawara
Junya Ishigaki

Character Designer:
Hiroshi Osaka

Musical Composer:
Akira Senju

51 episodes

Japan 04.02.1993 – 03.25.1994


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