Fang of the Sun Dougram Mechanical World is an original design series that accompanied the 1981-1983 TV series Fang of the Sun Dougram. Featuring designs by Kunio Okawara, it follows the same concept as MSV, which featured variations of designs from Mobile Suit Gundam.
Combat Armors
AG9 Nicholiev Improved Weapons Type
Dougram Desert Type
Dougram Heavy Weapon Type
Dougram Mass Production Type
Dougram Original Type
F4X Hasty
F35C Blizzard Gunner II
F44-ARCA Junk Dealer
F44-CIWS Sweeper Gunner
F44A Crab Gunner Heavy Combat Type
F44B Tequila Gunner Heavy Combat Type
F44C Fire Gunner
F44D Desert Gunner Trial Production Type
H8 Roundfacer Wood Camouflage Type
H8RF Roundfacer “Kolchima Special” Desert Type
H102 Bushman Rollout Type
H102B Bushman Type B
H102XL Bushman II
H404S Mackerel High Speed Underwater Type
HT128 Bigfoot Night Battle Type
HT128C Bigfoot Type C
T10B Blockhead Counter X-Nebula Test Type
Vehicles and Support Units
ARMC Instead Linear Cannons Type
DT2 Widebody Type
JRS Native Dancer Improved Weapons Type
LTR63GB Prototype
NOTE: Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Combat Armors or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.