

Brave header

The Brave series are an anime franchise created as a partnership between Sunrise, Nagoya TV and toy producer Takara following the end of the Japan-exclusive Transformers series of the 1980s. Beginning with 1990’s Brave Exkizer, each series features themes of humans and robots working together, but are all set in separate continuities. Following the conclusion of King of Braves GaoGaiGar in 1998, Takara switched its focus back to creating new Transformers series. However, in 2023, a new Brave manga series launched in Japan, entitled Brave Universe Sworgrader. The franchise has also been featured in multiple video games, including various Super Robot Wars titles. To date, GaoGaiGar is the only Brave series that has received a North American release.

Brave Universe Sworgrader
The King of Kings ~GaoGaiGar Vs. Betterman~

Nintendo Game Boy Color
Brave Saga New Chapter: Astaria

Sony PlayStation 1
New Generation Robot Chronicles Brave Saga
Brave Saga 2

Sony PlayStation 2
New Century Brave Wars


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