Dagwon OVA header

Brave Command Dagwon: The Boy with Crystal Eyes is the first Brave OVA series and was released exclusively in Japan  in 1997. It is a sequel to the 1996-1997 TV series Brave Command Dagwon. The OVA features a mostly different creative staff than the TV series, including returning director Tomomi Mochizuki, writer Hiroaki Kitajima, mechanical designer Takahiro Yamada, character designer Tetsuya Yanagisawa and composer Tatsumi Yano. The story focuses on En Daidouji and his high school friends who previously defended Earth and now cross paths with a mysterious boy named Kenta.

The Boy with Crystal Eyes (Part 1)
The Boy with Crystal Eyes (Part 2)

NOTE: Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.

The Boy with Crystal Eyes Info

Tomomi Mochizuki

Hiroaki Kitajima

Mechanical Designer:
Takahiro Yamada

Character Designer:
Testsuya Yanagisawa

Musical Composer:
Tatsumi Yano

2 episodes

Video Release:
Japan 10.22.1997 – 12.28.1997


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