Escaflowne: A Girl in Gaea (aka Escaflowne: The Movie) is a feature film released in Japan in 2000. It is an alternate retelling of the events of the 1996 TV series The Vision of Escaflowne. The TV series’ lead production staff returned for the movie, including director Kazuki Akane, mechanical designer Kimitoshi Yamane, character designer Nobuteru Yuki and composers Yoko Kanno and Hajime Mizoguchi. The story again focuses on Hitomi Kanzaki, now a depressed teenager whose wish to disappear transports her to Gaea, a world under threat from the Black Dragon Clan. The movie was initially released on home video in North America by Bandai Entertainment, but it has since been re-released by Crunchyroll (formerly Funimation) with a new English dub.
Dragon Armors
Dragon Armors
Escaflowne Info
Kazuki Akane
Kazuki Akane
Ryota Yamaguchi
Mechanical Designer:
Kimitoshi Yamane
Character Designer:
Nobuteru Yuki
Musical Composer(s):
Yoko Kanno
Hajime Mizoguchi
1 movie
Theatrical Release:
Japan 06.24.2000
U.S. 01.25.2002